Don’t blame me for Benazir’s death: Musharraf


Former president General Parvez Musharraf, who faces a non-bailable arrest warrant in the Benazir Bhutto assassination case, said he will not take any blame for the death of the former Pakistan premier.
General Musharraf is wanted by the law as he looks to return to his homeland early next year.
“I will go to jail if I have to… but won’t take any blame for Benazir’s death,” Musharraf said in an interview.
Benazir Bhutto was killed by a suicide attacker shortly after addressing an election rally in Rawalpindi on December 27, 2007. She was attacked weeks after she returned to Pakistan after spending several years in self-exile.
General Musharraf said Benazir was herself to blame for her death.
“Had she been inside the car, there were five other people inside the car. They were all very safe, not even a minor injury. So wasn’t that a success of security?” he said.
Musharraf said that he had warned Benazir about the threat to her life.
“She didn’t listen to me. In Karachi and then later on, when she was in Rawalpindi, the first time that she wanted to go to this very place, Liaquat Bagh, where she was then assassinated, I stopped her from going there,” he said.
“But he let I go the next time due to the hue and cry she and her party made after she was stopped the first time,” added Musharraf.
He said that the Pakistan government has “no foundation at all” in the case against him.
“I know that as far the legalities of the case are concerned, it doesn’t stand on any solid legs at all,” he said.


  1. They should not blame you but they should arrange for your arrest. Go for a trial and clear yourself. Bibi could have been murdered by In-house mafia. May ALLAH exposes the real murders of Bibi & Dr. Imran Farooq. I see their own men behind the scenes of murders.

  2. Bibi was responsible for her own death. You have to be extraordinarily stupid to stand on your sunroof in a bullet proof car, when there is a threat attached to your life, you are crushing all the purpose of security.

  3. Musheraff his to blame he was president in charge of the country he failed to provide security to the nations most popular politician

  4. look one more Madari is preparing to appear in the screen very soon.hear Ex Gen.To try a tried man is foolishnessthe simple and Innocent people know you very well,it is sincerely advised you to remain in the fenced garrison..

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