Imran on foreign policy


Writings and commentaries abound on the PTI chief Imran Khan following his game-changeing Lahore rally. As the punditry on Imran Khan’s capacity to lead and manage matters of state and society continues amidst his own claims of washing existing political forces through an electoral tsunami, we also need a clearer sense of Imran’s approach to Pakistan’s foreign policy.
Let us see what Imran will do on Pakistan’s three key foreign policy issues – India, Afghanistan & the United States. Of course, it’s easy with China. We have a genuine strategic relationship, there is no serious worry. Imran’s comment about needing to be friends with China had no real value-added. Amounted to saying the sky should be blue!
On India, Imran’s statement echoes the present government’s position that Pakistan should go ahead with expanding trade with India and grant it the MFN status while seeking resolution of other bilateral issues including Kashmir, through dialogue.
Interestingly, despite Imran’s repeated emphasis on dialogue with the Taliban, he currently appears to be the best-selling Pakistani item for the Indian media! Significantly on the militant groups, Imran has said that he would not allow any militant groups to operate in Pakistan. In an interview to the CNN-IBN, he told anchor Karan Thapar that if his party comes into power he will make sure no terrorism takes place from Pakistani soil or else he would resign. Also that he would insist on civilian supremacy over Pakistan’s military and ISI, in a hint that the head of the government would be calling the shots on Pakistan’s foreign policy.
On Afghanistan, a critical but troubled area of Pakistani foreign policy, Imran supports an Afghan-led reconciliation process. Noticeably though, contrasting with his vocal advocacy of dialogue with the Taliban, he has been muted in his condemnation of the Taliban’s violation of human rights and particularly of women rights.
On the US, Imran vehemently says he hates American policies not the Americans. The critique is largely valid, with much critique needed at home too. Pakistan’s own conduct of policy, mostly military-managed, has been a problem. The military rulers, Zia-ul-Haq and Pervez Musharraf, made the controversial policies of the eighties and then post-9/11. The problem of doublespeak and disconnect on the home-front made matters worse.
For example, on the issue of US drone attacks that continue in Pakistan’s tribal areas, despite the government’s unconvincing protests and demands that the US discontinues these attacks, few Pakistanis believe that the government actually wants these stopped. If the former military ruler cleared these initially, WikiLeaks tells us about the consent of this government and the Army. Imran has meanwhile announced that he would adopt a two-pronged strategy: public pressure within the country and litigation before the international court of law.
The humanitarian, political and financial cost of the US foreign policy with respect to Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East – and the intolerance it has bred – has been correctly criticised; as have horrors of Abu Ghraib, daisy cutters and Guantanamo Bay. However, at home, we cannot overlook our own weaknesses. Blustering rhetoric such as “breaking the begging bowl” and “look into eyes of Americans,” is no substitute for sober policy. Genuine leaders opt for a composed critique of another’s policy and a viable, corrective and resolute action on one’s own policy.
Any leader wanting to put Pakistan’s foreign policy on a genuine national interest track would do well to candidly review the pattern of our relationship with these three countries. Pakistan’s repeated mistakes both in content and conduct of policy with India, Afghanistan and the US is often ignored. Old mistakes are repeated and elected or military rulers and their propaganda machines make up for lack of will or capacity with rhetoric and bluster.
Hijacking of formulation and conduct, or outright sabotage of a certain shift in the foreign policy by security agencies has been a perennial problem in Pakistan. A classic case in point is former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s landmark February 1999 Lahore Summit with his Indian counterpart Atal Behari Vajpayee, which was sabotaged by the then Chief of Army Staff Gen Pervez Musharraf’s Kargil misadventure.
Imran Khan, who seems all set for the hustings, will be closely watched at home and abroad, for his understanding and options on Pakistan’s key foreign policy challenges.

The writer is a senior journalist and has been a diplomatic correspondent for leading dailies. She was an Alfred Friendly Press Fellow at The Chicago Tribune in the US and a Press Fellow at Wolfson College, Cambridge, UK. She can be reached at [email protected]


  1. Very good analysis and presentation of foreign policy views. I hope people will consider them in formulating their foreign policy priorities.

  2. Author- you wrote "Noticeably though, contrasting with his vocal advocacy of dialogue with the Taliban, he has been muted in his condemnation of the Taliban’s violation of human rights and particularly of women rights. " Not correct as Imran Khan have repeatedly condemned crimes committed by Talibans, and as recent as two days ago, on hamid Mir's Capital talk.
    Tariq Bashir
    Minneapolis, MN

  3. Please, Please, Please Don't Allow Mr. Khan to Comment on any matter related to foreign Policy. At current stage Mr. Imran Khan is not aware of the A.B.C of a strategically important country like Pakistan. I watch his interveiw with an Indian journalist few days before and his answer to questions on Pakistan's foriegn policy with India was like JOKES.

  4. Why all the time we talk about reasonablity of things ? what has been happening was based on reasons and all the pre defined above mentioned problems / speculation ..but nothing happened but chaos and unstablity …lets look at the things for solving them for first time in history of Pakistan…Impossibe is nothing..We all criticize when IK thought abut Cancer Hospital and when we did we all said it can not be run ..but it ran and it is running fine..Forget reasoning and try to do something other than what we are doing cuz it is not helping…..

  5. No, “anything of value to say” is only the call of our armchair analysts. What can the poor Imran know with his experience of Aitchison/Oxford education, his 17 years of international cricket/globe-trotting, his building a world-class cancer hospital, a modern, state-of-the-art university???

  6. Imran don’t have any plans but he have true feelings for pakistan nation and u can feel this by his speeches. We don’t care he have political brain or not. He want to. Finish a corruption. It is. Not enough for us

  7. Good analysis of foreighn policy.As regards Imran khan,s anti American stance,i am sure khan knows that no Govt. can have a balanced Foreighn policy without recognising having good relations with the sole super power in the world.I think part of Mr. Khan,s anti American stance may be meant to placate his supporters/voters i n Pakhtunkhwa.After all the American Drone attacks have killed hundereds of innocent peaple along with a few known terrorists.His statement at the Lahore rally that if he comes in power he will extend a hand of friendship to America if they treat us as equals.

  8. Imran is the name of CHANGE – no existing policies. He will not be "Lakeer ka Faqeer" and he will prove all the Pundits wrong. So no Analysis of scholars like this article author will make any sense to him – He will be Tariq bin Zayad who "foolishly" ignored all the "rational" and "ground realities". This article is good for some on "Status Quo" agenda and whose foreign policy will be formulated by Secretary of Foreign Affairs – the people who can't think out of box with the fears mentioned in this article..

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