SECP extends the last date for filing details of Form 29 till November 18


Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has extended the last date of filing Form 29, till 18th November, to facilitate the corporate sector. Form 29 of Companies Ordinance, 1984 (Section 205) demands particulars of directors and officers, including chief executive, managing agent, secretary, chief accountant, auditors and legal advisers of the company. Last date of filing Form 29 for most of the companies is 14th November. This extension shall be applicable to both online and offline filing of Form 29. Corporate sector and relevant quarters had requested the SECP to extend the last date in view of Eid holidays. Most companies are already busy in filing their income tax returns with Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), which made it difficult to prepare and file Form-29 with the SECP in time. Companies are required to file annual returns on Forms A/B within 45 days, in case of listed companies and 30 days in case of other companies, of holding of annual general meetings (AGMs).