Growing intolerance


The killing of three Hindu brothers in Shikarpur during Eid holdidays is most unfortunate and would raise worldwide concerns about the Pakistani society becoming increasingly intolerant towards minorities. This was not the first time when gunmen attacked Hindu community.

The three bothers, all doctors by profession, were gunned down in front of a police station in a busy area of the city. Eleven men are being questioned on suspicion of their involvement in the crime while search was on for more arrests. The motive for the murder is still unknown but police suspects that personal enmity can be reason behind the attack.

President Zardari sought a report about the incident and immediately despatched MNA Ramesh Kumar to Shikarpur to convey his condolences to the bereaved family. This would certainly bring them some consolation. But the government has to take steps to provide protection to religious minorities as rightly demanded by the leaders of the Hindu community.

The Shikarpur incident took place at a time when the country is already being blamed for not treating the minorities with equality and humanity. And it’s not without reason. A large number of innocent people belonging to different faiths, including Ahmedis, Christians, and now Hindus, have been killed in incidents of terrorism or by criminals over the past few years.

Then of course the rising intolerance has also accentuated existing sectarian cleavages with the Shia community becoming a frequent target of religious bigotry. Recently 20 Shia pilgrims were ordered off the bus in Mastung and killed one by one. This happened exactly a year after the bombing of an Imambargh in Quetta which claimed more than 70 lives.

Those in authority should not forget that the unabated persecution of minorities would prevent us from achieving the dream of a tolerant, progressive and tolerant Pakistan. Steps need to be taken to ensure security to the followers of other faiths who remain under threat to be falsely implicated in criminal cases on the basis of personal enmity. At the same time, intra-faith divides should also not be allowed to evolve into sectarian schisms.


  1. Pakistan should voluntarily repatriate all minorities with their finances and possessions to other nations where they are willing accept them. for India it should unconditionally accept all the Hindus as their life and future is uncertain with developing sectarian strife.

  2. not to be blamed any community without prior prob…………………………..
    muslims and only muslims' faith is peace………….. for more information and guidline all have to bother to get the quraan
    wiht regards 🙂

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