Gilani and Wen agree to expand cooperation


Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani and China’s Prime Minister Wen Jiabao on Monday met on the sidelines of summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and expressed their resolve to further strengthen bilateral ties in economic, defence and energy sectors for the mutual benefit of two countries.
They discussed matters relating to agriculture, power generation and finance, besides reviewing progress on Sino-Pak bilateral ties. The meeting, which was scheduled for 40 minutes, lasted for more than an hour. Prime Minister Wen Jiabao reiterated his government’s support for Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and underscored the importance of time-tested strategic partnership between Pakistan and China.
He expressed appreciation for Pakistan’s role in fight against terrorism and extremism and called for greater international recognition of its efforts and sacrifices in this regard. Wen commended Pakistan’s principled stand to safeguard its sovereignty without bowing to undue pressure. He said China supported Afghanistan’s stability and security because it had bearings on regional stability and security.
It is for this reason that China supports political reconciliation process with Afghanistan’s ownership, he said. Prime Minister Gilani said that his country attached great importance to enhancing economic and trade links with China which include promoting closer collaboration in energy, mining, infrastructure, information technology, telecom, agriculture, irrigation, railway, communication, finance and banking.
He called upon the expedition of currency swap between the two countries. Gilani said strategic and defence cooperation was an important component of both the countries. He said Pakistan applauded China’s active role in Shanghai Cooperation Organization and its support for Pakistan’s full membership. He said that mega projects like Gwadar, Korakorum Highway, Heavy Mechanical Complex and Neelum Jhelum Hydro-electric plant were being completed with China’s assistance.
He said Pakistan was grateful for the on-going cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Prime Minister Gilani sought investment by Chinese companies in Pakistan’s various areas and stressed the need for making efforts to realize full potential of bilateral trade. Chinese premier stressed upon regional solution for regional issues and said China welcomed Pakistan-India dialogue.
He said it would benefit the people of the two countries in particular and the region in general. He congratulated Pakistan’s election to the UN Security Council’s non-permanent seat, adding that Pakistan would play an important role in promotion of international peace. Gilani thanked the Chinese government for supporting Pakistan for the UN Security Council’s non-permanent seat.
He said that Pakistan supported an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process. He said Pakistan was not part of the problem but was part of the solution and added that the otherwise situation could create instability in Pakistan as was the case after the Soviet Union’s withdrawal in 1989. He reiterated Pakistan’s support to China on its stance on Taiwan and Tibet.
In the field of energy, the Chinese bank ICBS has shown keen interest to finance the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline. Both the sides agreed to renew the five-year Trade Development Plan between the two countries. Gilani said that the volume of trade between the two countries did not commensurate with the strategic and geographical proximity equation. He said that Pakistan’s trade can touch the figure of 15 billion dollars conveniently in next three years.
The Chinese premier said the work of reconstruction and repair of roads was underway after the relief and rescue operation in the flood-affected areas. He emphasized on the reopening of Korakorum Highway, parts of which had been submerged due to the Ataabad Lake. Gilani said he was grateful for the Chinese government for extending help in dealing with the aftermath of Ataabad Lake which had halted the flow of people and transportation of goods.


  1. "Gilani said that the volume of trade between the two countries did not commensurate with the strategic and geographical proximity equation."

    Is that 'telling'?

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