Altaf appeals for hides


Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain has appealed to public to donate the hides of sacrificial animals to the volunteers of Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation (KKF).
Hussain said that the KKF is actively working for the needy people, and its network has been spreading across the country.
“The KKF runs an expanding network of hospitals, dispensaries, and ambulance centres in the country. It also gives financial assistance to the needy people in many ways,” he said.
Hussain said that whether it was the devastating earthquake in the northern areas or the severe flooding in Sindh, the KKF was always at the forefront by bringing relief to the people. “The KKF meets all its expenses by charities from the philanthropic people. There could be no better use for the hides of the sacrificial animal then ameliorating the problems of the disadvantaged people,” he added.


  1. The MQM and its charity wing KKF did a lot of good work in Kashmir after the earthquake in the northern areas. Their volunteers had reached many inacessible places and remained their for a long time to help the suffering people. I had read an article by Ayaz Amir describing their very organized and orderly work in Kashmir.

    Their ambulances and funeral buses can be seen on the streets of Karachi.

    One of the best work that I feel that the MQM is doing is that it is building a modern university in Karachi.

    I hope that the KKF and the MQM give particular attention to the establishment of quality schools as good education is becoming out of the reach of common people.

  2. The MQM is doing a lot of welfare work through its charitable organization KKF but no one talks about them. The good works of the MQM are never mentioned any where. Perhaps the MQM itself has not been able to project its work in an efficient manner.

  3. Yes I agree with Mr Altaf Hussain Sb appeal for donating hides to their charitable wing KKF. They r doing great work. I saw their ambulances., Coffin Buses, Mortuaries, and especially the work they have done in Kashmir earth quake. Hats off to their volunteers.

  4. Yes we the Karachites are well aware of the active charitable work of MQM through KKF, be it floods, earthquake, food supply or water supply to places like Thar MQM is seen active on the ground, The KKf is yet again doing a good work through its ambulance service and that too indiscriminately. The KKF has a remarkable work force to anticipate any disaster in the country so we should support with what ever we can to make it further strong. I am really impressed with the philosophy Mr.Altaf Hussain which has created such an organised and disciplined political party. Today we see NGO"s who in the name of charity are only making money for themselves,

  5. Nazir Hussain University, under construction in Karachi, will be one of the magnificent institutions of higher learning in the country. The common people need education. This is the only way forward for them to break free from the bonds of persecution. Give them modern education and they will have the ability to solve their problem themselves.

    The KKF nonetheless need to boost its presence. I agree that they are doing a lot but I sincerely believe that a lot more needs to be done. The KKF has the potential to emerge as a leading welfare foundation in the country.

  6. ALTAF HUSSAIN THE LAST HOPE OF PAKISTAN, As a Citizen of karachi we see the working of MQM , And KKF very hard working and honest workers.

  7. Being a citizen of Karachi, i had seen marvelous work of MQM in all regards, especially for the development of city. The welfare organization KKF which is running under supervision of same team had done many magnificent works regarding welfare of the poor people all over the country in fact the had done for the sonami in Indonesia too. I personally believe that the people should donate the skins of their sacrificial animal to KKF.

  8. MQM ka charity wing KKF na Pakistan bhar ka tamam gharib or mazloom awam ki khidmat kar rahi ha.

  9. Beyond our political thoughts, we must have to admire the activities and working of KKF for the needy peoples, not only across the country but worldwide. It runs an expanding network of hospitals, dispensaries, and ambulance centres in the country. It also gives financial assistance to the needy people. Also doing great work in the field of education. Whole world saw its Great work during natural disasters.
    We must have to give our all support for KKF's goal to help the needy peoples.

  10. MQm aur KKF Bashak tammam qomyatoon aur mazahib ka afrad ki khidmat kar rahi ha. Is jazba-e- khidmat per hum Altaf Husain ko salam pash karta ha.

  11. KKF is the most active charitable organisation in Pakistan which is offering service to humanity. With out your support, it was not possible for KKF to provide humanitarian aid to needy ones. Please donate generously.

  12. Extra ordinary influence among the charitable activities around the country, We known that name is KKF, which founded by Altaf Hussain, who also introduce the middle class leadership in Pakistan, the leadership, who only understand the rights of the 98% middle class people but can resolve the difficult issues of their life. therefore, when the country facing difficult circumstances and suffered in flood or earthquake KKF & MQM volunteer came beside and served their efforts for the homeland to bring it out the difficult condition and help the victim in effected areas regardless their cast, religion, race and citizenship. So, now the people should judge the roll of activities of KKF and cooperate to maintain and enable it to increase their services network, so that the needy people could avail the charitable facilities country wide.

  13. Truقربانی کی کھالوں کی خدمت خلق فائونڈیشن کو دینے کی الطاف حسین کی اپیل پر اہل کراچی ہمیشہ کی طرح انشا اللہ اس مرتبہ بھی قربانی کے جانوروں کی کھالیں خدمت خلق فائونڈیشن کو ہی دینگے۔

    خدمت خلق فائونڈیشن ایک ایسا فلاحی اداراہ ہے کہ جس کی خدمات سے ناصرف اہل کراچی بلکہ اہل وطن مستفیذ ہوتے ہیں۔

  14. قدرتی آفات کے شکار علاقوں اور وہاں کے متاثرہ مکین اس بات کے گواہ ہے کہ خدمت خلق فاہوئنڈیشن بہترین طریقے سے ہر ممکنہ وسائل کو استعمال میں لاتے ہوئے دن و رات متاثرین کی بحالی اور متاثرین کی پریشانیوں کو ہر ہر طریقے سے کم کرنے کے لیے کوشاں رہتے ہیں۔

  15. قربانی کی کھالیں خدمت خلق فائونڈیشن کو دینے سے کے کے ایف کے وسائل میں اضافے کا امکان ہوتا ہے ان کھالوں کو نیلام کر کے خدمت خلق فائونڈیشن اپنے بجٹ میں اضافہ کرنے کی پوزیشن میں آجاتی ہے جس سے خدمت کے کاموں میں مزید پیش رفت ہوسکتی ہے۔

  16. We congratulate Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation for its countless services to the Nation. How many organization are there in the country who work for the welfare of people of Pakistan whenever any clamity faced.

    Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation is among very few welfare organization whose services and efforts are widely recognized.

    Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation truly deserve Donations from all kind specially from those who can afford to offer donations. And nowadays in the holly event of Eid-ul-Adha, the hides of sacrificial animals are the best way to donate to Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation. Please extend your help to the organization, who really works for the betterment of affected people of this Nation.

  17. Well I appRECIATE THe kidmat-e-khalq fondation known AS KKF they worked without any greed n their is no words for their apprectation im speechless well Ican saY Only one thinG MAY ALLAH BLESS THEM N GIVE ALTAF HUSSAIN bhai health n more life so that he can work more to our nation (ameen)

  18. KKF working for the poor and needy people, 8th Oct-2005 earthquake, Ther ka qehet , Sindh ka Sailaab, Sonami ka Toofan or iss tarah ke bey shumaar events, me MQM ke iss Falhi Idaray ney jo kirdaar ada kia uss ammal ney prove kia keh Humaray Tamam Sadqaat, Zakat Fitra or Qurbani ki Khalain KKF ke zariay he mustahiq afrad tak pohnch sukti hain, Allah iss idaray, iss ki management or iss Idaray ke Bani Altaf Hussain Bhai ko Apni Amman me rakhay.



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