On-song Hattaf in November Cup final


Hataff on Friday routed Hira Valves and qualified for final of the November Polo Cup. They will face Adisseo for the title. In the last league match of the event, Hataff hammered Hira Valves 10-1. Abdul Rehman Monnoo and Mohammad Samir Malik were the stars of the win with the former scoring six goals while the remaining four went Samir’s way. The only goals for Valves side came by the end of the game through Nafees Bary.
On the other hand, Men’s Store moved to the subsidiary final after winning two chukker encounters and will now face Newage. Men’s Store first cracked FAS Tube Mills 4-1 and then thrashed Pak Punjab Carpet, which failed to score a single goal. Later, FAS Tube Mills after a tough fight beat Pak Punjab Carpets by half-a-goal margin as both the teams converted two goals each in the stipulated time. The matches were supervised by Usman Haye, Adnan Jalil Azam, Shah Shamyl Alam and Mian Hussain Iftikhar.