CDA finalises cleanliness arrangements for Eid


The Sanitation Directorate of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) has finalised its arrangements for collection and disposal of offals and other waste of the sacrificial animals in capital on Eidul Azha.
The arrangements made by the Sanitation Directorate of CDA for removal of offal, entrails and carcasses of sacrificial animals were discussed on Monday in the meeting presided by the CDA Chairman Imtiaz Inayat Elahi, says a press release.
Sanitation Director Captain (retd) Muhammad Faiz apprised the meeting about the plan. He said the officials of Sanitation Directorate would work round-the-clock in three shifts during Eid days and that their leaves had been cancelled.
The meeting was informed that every street of all the sectors of the city would be cleaned by the workers of the directorate.
The CDA chairman told the officers and officials of the directorate to maintain cleanliness in the city during Eid days.
He also requested the residents of the federal capital not to throw offals and other waste materials of sacrificial animals in the woods. He said the residents should rather throw the waste material outside their houses so that the CDA staff could collect it conveniently. He also called upon the residents of the city to register their complaints with the Sanitation Directorate on the Help Line#1334.