Walking into Imran Khan’s trap


What was the raison d’être of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N)’s Friday rally, and what was the message party leader and Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif tried to deliver through the mega show that brought public life in the city to a standstill, other than accentuating the stature of his budding rival Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan?
This was the nagging question weighing on the minds of those who left the venue of the rally on Friday evening, seen brimming with huge crowds drawn not only from the city but from all over the province in a show of PML-N’s street power. However, the feedback was not what the Sharifs would have liked, including the one from the party’s own rank and file, not to speak of what the independent observers say.
Generally, it seems that PML-N leaders from top to bottom miserably failed to tell the people and the country’s political leadership what motivated the Sharifs to go for such a grand show when the prospect of any change at the top is pretty far-fetched and general elections are still far off. National Assembly Opposition Leader Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan told reporters the rally was the last nail in the coffin of President Asif Ali Zardari while Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah, another party hardliner, said the rally had nothing to do with Zardari and had been organised against corruption, bad governance and inflation.
So nobody in the PML-N’s camp was sure what the party’s top leadership wanted to get out of the show. Still others said it was the beginning of the “Pakistan Bachao Tehreek”. Though the crowd gathered at the venue was quite enthusiastic, the reaction that came from the party’s insiders was not very rousing. The party leaders did not like the way the Sharifs ended up equating the party with the PTI, inadvertently granting it the status of being the main political entity in the country. “It is like degrading the party by putting up a show in response to the one announced by Imran Khan,” commented one PML-N leader who helped organise the rally. Others did not like the choice of venue.
“The party should have selected Minar-e-Pakistan for this event,” remarked another party leader. Most of the people were surprised to learn that the PML-N picked a congested place for Shahbaz Sharif’s public address. “Probably, the PML-N leaders were not confident about the turnout despite everything they did to mount a successful show,” said a senior politician. Most observers believe that the rally was meant to counter Imran Khan’s effort in the Punjab and deliver a message to those pinning their hopes to the sporting star to make a big dent in the PML-N’s vote bank and following in the province.
“It was an exercise to see if Imran’s juggernaut has made any dent in the PML-N in view of the coming elections,” said a local politician. It seems Imran Khan has trapped the Sharifs. “Did they have an urgent need to prove that they are the real force to be reckoned with in Lahore or Punjab and not Imran Khan, being the largest party from the province?” asked another leader from the city. The conclusion drawn by most observers echoes that very sentiment: it is the paranoia about Imran Khan that forced the Sharifs to test the waters.
Imran Khan recently made it loud and clear that his main target is the PML-N, though he reserves his outbursts at times for President Asif Ali Zardari as well. As such, the unrest in the Sharif camp is quite understandable, especially with rumours that Imran enjoys the backing of the powers that be. As far as the “Go Zardari” part of the rally is concerned, political observers did not expect any spectacular announcements to that end to begin with. They maintained that PML-N leaders would not go very far in their pronouncement at the rally. “Shahbaz Sharif did not say anything in the rally that PML-N leaders have not said before,” commented another Muslim Leaguer.


  1. Sharifs ruling since 1980 minus musharaf period. That makes 24 years!! Have mercy on Pakistan and leave the poverty stricken people for change. Get lost to Jeddah with 32 suite cases!!

  2. You know there’s a common ritual that a lion protects its pride from others but when he gets old he is challenged by a new lion and forced to runaway. Imran Khan is the new lion of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif has been de-throned!

    Time to re-build Pakistan. Imran Khan Zindabad!!

  3. Insha Allah we (I with my friends) are going to join him tomorrow at his rally in Minar e Pakistan. He is the only man who felt the pain of Drone Victims- our Pashtun Brothers. Punjab being the elder brother and I as a Punjabi, feel my moral duty and Jihad to join PTI in this gathering. It is a Jihad against drones, corruption and biased rulers (especially PPP and PMLN).

  4. I appeal to all humanitarian activist, civil defense personnels, students, professionals and all my patriot Pakistanis to come to Jalsa and support Imran's cause of nation building.

    • Definetly.. I am an engineering student, and i believe that for the sake of my future and generation i will have to come in this rally.. Industries are departing from this country and job profile is almost finished in engineering sector.. I will be joining Imran khan 2marrow..
      Bull Dog or Altaf hussen and cunning wolf or Mr Zardari, both have just drowned our country… But we will rise

  5. Imran Khan will beat "Dengue Brothers". I, along with my friends, will participate in his Jalsa.


  6. I want to comment in detail on this event. Unfortunately, Pakistan Today seems to be sold out to Sharifs for the present. So, no need to post a comment.

  7. It is the real time, come together & support PTI to disrupt the culture of favourtism, corruption & captalism. Because Pakistan is not a poor country. It is a corrupt & dishonest leadership made this country poor over the years.

    Imran Khan is a last ray of hope to dismantle this corrupt mafia & will succeede Inshallah

  8. Imran khan is the only choice, otherwise its more of the same from these thieves… I think the Yorka from Imran will come tommorow and Nawaz Shareefs wicket taken….

  9. imran u r the only leader of pakistan who bring the change …………………we r with we pray for u inshAllah u will be next president of pakistan WE LOVE U IMRAN KHAN

  10. Imran you truly are a person we all look upto in Pakistan and if i was in Pakistan tommorrow, (Unfortunately i wont be), i would definitely come to support your rally. My country men im proud of you, proud of your thoughts, i know the change is near as you all think alike. You are the ones who will bring about change by electing Imran Khan in the next election InshAllah. We support you Imran Khan.

  11. who won the world cup for pak? only one man one name Imran Khan.
    who is well respected educated and knows what he is doing as wellas famous too wordl wide. not in Pak only. Paki bhai lawo salam and support koro imran ko yeh up ko farz ho ta hai

  12. One man leads the way.one man creates the army.one man becomes the leader.whole nation follows that man .because he is a true leader.his desire is not money.his desire is people to be happy.we all must vote imran khan.so they say( true fighter u get once in a blue moon) I love imran khan u shop all vote him please if we love our country

  13. as an interested non-Pakistani observer i find it truly incredible that a man of the calibre of Imran Khan has not been swept to power by the people of Pakistan. i'm British and having studied Islam and Islamic history as well as contemporary affairs i hope the people of Pakistan have the courage to elect the only man who will save your nation. Pakistan is a laughing stock in the West and mostly because it has allowed it's rulers to shamelessly exploit the country's resources as well as sell it's sovereignty, but also because it has allowed an almost completely corrupt comedian become President. i for one, do not buy all the negative views on Pakistanis as a people, however i do feel that Imran Khan represents your last chance for independence and greatness. will you take that chance?

  14. Your progress is gaining. I hope you will be the best leader of whole Muslim Nation. As a Muslim woman It will be a great achievement for us . From Afrida jesmin.

  15. Imran Khan is repeating the same mistake of priority to the already tested landlord and old politicians that the big parties did and lost the game. Imran Khan may be winner in short run, but seems to be the biggest loser in the long run.

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