Pakistan Today

Flawed reportage?

Western countries and their media are very fond of lecturing the underdeveloped nations especially Pakistan to adopt high moral values and traditions which lead societies towards prosperity. Ironically their own organisations, including the media institutions like British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), behave otherwise. BBC has telecast a news report in which Pakistan has been accused of backing Taliban inside Afghanistan. Though such blames are not new, they still carry weight as these reports not only defame and malign Pakistan’s 10 years long sacrifices in the war on terrorism but undermine the cooperation and the services of Pakistani security forces and intelligence agencies in eradicating terrorism from the region.

BBC being the one of the world’s top most news channels has its influence and can make and shape public opinion through its news stories and documentaries. But the viewers have all the rights to judge the news concerned according the standards of journalism which has certain news values and objectivity. Ironically, the western countries and its media like BBC, is doing this all when Pakistan has sacrificed the lives of 35 thousand citizens and its forces have lost more than 3 thousand troops. Pakistani masses are being killed in suicide attacks; how can the Pakistani citizens then buy such ideas and propaganda themes of foreign media.

Major General Ather Abbas DG ISPR has also declared this report baseless and specifically floated to malign the image of Pakistan Army. He said that he sources are unreliable and the commander quoted/ shown in the report is unknown. Another false propaganda that Pakistan security forces are not having any sort of presence in North Waziristan is totally wrong as the DG-ISPR cited one ambush in North Waziristan, whence 40 officers and soldiers were killed; while one operation in Miranshah recently saw the destruction of a hospital, from where firing was initiated, and 9 officials were martyred.

The BBC must realize the how security officials can be targeted if they were not present in the area. Foreign media can influence the minds of their western people but not of the Pakistani masses’ as there are more than 70 TV channels in Pakistan which have given awareness to the common people regarding the news and its values. Masses are fully aware regarding the hidden agenda of western countries and its media. BBC must also realise that credibility is very important for the media; if that is lost then no one cares whatsoever is being telecast on that particular channel.



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