Occupy Wall Street loves capitalism’s pearls


It was probably inevitable that the Occupy Wall Street movement would be rife with contradictions. Back on Sept. 15, two days before the first protest began in lower Manhattan, an organizing principle of sorts appeared on the Adbusters website. “Hey President Obama, get ready for our one demand!” the post announced.
After ruminating on the possibilities of what that one demand could be — “Shall we demand that President Obama reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act; outlaw flash trading; impose a 1 per cent tax on all financial transactions?” (interesting ideas, but dismissed as “not very energising”) – the anonymous author landed on the sweeping indictment, “END THE MONIED CORRUPTION OF AMERICA MANIFESTO.”
The idea that the wealthiest 1 per cent of Americans is somehow subjugating the other 99 per cent against their will quickly became the credo of the movement. “The lords of finance in the skyscrapers surrounding Zuccotti Park, who toy with money and lives, who make the political class, the press, and the judiciary jump at their demands, who destroy the ecosystem for profit and drain the U.S. Treasury to gamble and speculate, took little notice at (the) first activists on the street below them three weeks ago,”Chris Hedges, a former foreign correspondent for the New York Times and one of the leading intellectuals of the organization, wrote Oct. 8 in a front-page column in the Occupied Wall Street Journal.
‘Worship money’
“The elites consider everyone outside their sphere marginal or invisible,” he wrote. “Those who worship money believe their buckets of cash, like the $4.6 million JPMorgan Chase gave last week to the New York City Police Foundation can buy them perpetual power and security. Masters all, kneeling before the idols of the marketplace, blinded by their self- importance, impervious to human suffering, bloated from unchecked greed and privilege, they were about to be taught the folly of hubris.”
A powerful anti-capitalists creed for sure, aside from its mischaracterisation of what JPMorgan actually did for the police. So where to begin with the contradictions? Let’s start with Hedges himself. He is a columnist for Truthdig.com, a website dedicated to digging deeper into stories and to asking “the questions that remain unasked.”
Helpful billionaires
The money behind Truthdig comes from Zuade Kaufman, who is the daughter of the late Donald Kaufman and a relative of Eli Broad. Kaufman and Broad, of course, were the founders of what is now known as KB Home (KBH), which bills itself as “one of the nation’s premier homebuilders” and as having constructed “half a million quality homes for families since its founding in 1957” in Detroit. KB Home, based in Los Angeles, has a market value of $515 million. And, of course, at last count, Eli Broad was worth $6.3 billion, according to Forbes magazine. I’m not sure where Truthdig would be without good old-fashioned capitalism.
It’s no surprise that Occupy Wall Street’s preferred methods for getting out its message are the social-networking powerhouses Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Occupy Wall Street’s Twitter feed churns out a continuous stream of 140-character observations and its Facebook page is a blaze of commentary and pictures about the latest goings-on with the movement. Ditto, Tumblr.
Someone forgot
Of course, these three companies are all backed by wealthy venture capitalists expecting to become even wealthier when these closely held businesses take advantage of the Wall Street- enabled market for initial public offerings. Did someone forget to tell Hedges et al. that Facebook is backed by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), may have a market capitalisation of about $100 billion if it goes public next year, and its co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg, is thought to be worth $17.5 billion largely because so many people around the world are willing to share their private musings with their friends (and with Facebook) for free?
We all know now that no self-respecting Occupy Wall Street protester would be caught dead without his or her hand-held device, preferably an Apple Inc. (AAPL) iPhone or iPad. Without Wall Street and its ability to match entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs with investors and their capital, there would probably be no iPhones or iPads today and, of course, Apple wouldn’t be the world’s most valuable company — at about $391 billion — and one admired around the world. Nor would Jobs have been worth roughly $7 billion when he died tragically earlier this month.
‘Picked a fight’
“We have picked a fight with the most powerful economic and political forces on the planet,” Naomi Klein, another one of the intellectual leaders of the movement, said in an Oct. 6 speech at the park. “That’s frightening. And as this movement grows from strength to strength, it will get more frightening.” The park where the protesters have been living for the past month is named after John Zuccotti, the co-chairman of Brookfield Office Properties Inc., one of the nation’s largest developers of commercial office space. Brookfield, which owns the park, donated $8 million to repair extensive damage from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the nearby World Trade Center buildings.
On Oct. 11, Brookfield’s chief executive officer, Richard B. Clark, sent a letter to Raymond Kelly, the New York City police commissioner, stating that the company wanted to clean up the park, which has gotten understandably messy with all the people camped out there. He also noted that the protesters had pretty much prevented other people, not interested in protesting, from using the park.
Looming confrontation
A confrontation loomed as the demonstrators insisted they wouldn’t move for the cleaning and would prefer to be arrested. On Friday morning, Brookfield made the decision not to clean Zuccotti Park, for now, and a serious confrontation with the police was avoided. No doubt, the protesters are giving little thought to the hospitality Brookfield has been providing to them.
What’s wrong with this picture is that the activists and their purported leaders, such as Hedges and Klein, have failed to account for how fortunate we are to live in a country that affords us the freedoms of speech and of protest and creates products, services and a general standard of living that we have come to take for granted and that is the envy of the world. Sure, there are problems — many of them — that need addressing. But the time has come for a more constructive approach, not the mindless, contradiction-filled claptrap that seems to be coming out of lower Manhattan. David Brooks, the New York Times columnist, had it absolutely right when he wrote last week, “It’s not about declaring war on some nefarious elite. It’s about changing behavior from top to bottom.” Amen.


  1. This can't be serious is it? It's so low-quality I thought I was on a high school newspaper's blog. The ol "it's worse in N Korea so we should downplay our problems here" argument? The activists are certainly helping the nation more than this "article" is.

  2. This person has obviously missed the point of all of this. First lets look at what OWS is really about.

    1. Banks and corporate tax structure gives they a greater advantage.
    A. Politicians like to say that if the large corporations have more money they will hire more people.

    In 2004, repatriation tax break of 30%, NOTE: IT cost taxpayers billions and created more jobs overseas.

    Now Republicans are talking they want to do it again. As a JOBS PLAN.

  3. So, we should be grateful for the monopoly they hold on wealth, the poisoning if our environment, the way they find a way to profit from our most basic activities and needs? These people see us as a commodity a slave pool…they are not designing gifts for us when they design an iphone, they are looking for more ways to engage us into being a source of profit. I’m sorry, but they are not policing their activities, so we must. They will take things as far as we let them to their advantage…it is time for regulation and rules that protect humanity first, profit and products second.

  4. Your article makes a feeble argument at best… This is not a movement to cripple progress or technology, or even all forms of capitalism. It is a movement to prevent one-sided economic policies disguised as “free enterprise” from dominating the world.

  5. One must conclude with certainty that this is an excellent post and quite compelling.  The author’s thoughtful prose are the result of deep research and genuine compassion for his fellow man.

  6. I love making money. It is so much fun! You all should try it. The more money I make then the more people I hire to help make more money. It’s great!

  7. Cohen, you’re right. We’re hypocritical using that stuff by the rich. Occupy protesters, listen up, throw away everything you have that’s produced by a corporation. Cell phones, computers, tents and sleeping bags all go in the trash. No more facebook and twitter. Move out of corporate owned parks and go live in the trees. Take off all your clothes. Throw them in the trash. Throw that money you have in the trash. It is a product of capitalism and don’t need it anymore. Throw all your food in the trash. We’re not going to eat corporate-produced food anymore. And no more protesting for capitalist concepts like respect in our jobs and accountability for our elite. Its just unnecessary capitalist drivel. So throw away all your signs that are made with capitalist paper. Now we use stones to write our new demands in blood on our chests. So please elite, please give us a big plot of land where we can make our own farming implements and live by ourselves in seclusion. We don’t want this capitalism thing anymore.

    Thank you Cohen. You’ve helped us realize the solution to all our problems.

  8. Most of the activists are pretty well aware of all this, and for fhe most part aren’t against capitalism– like me, they just don’t think our GOVERNMENT ought to be FOR SALE.

    So, genius, how would YOU suggest they solve that particular problem, eh?

    Seems to me, the one thing they will HAVE to do is, THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.

  9. I fail to understand why a bunch of college students are creating such a hulabaloo. If corporates are so bad, then stop using the internet, facebook or mobile technology. These are also tools made by companies for profit maximisation.

  10. "But the time has come for a more constructive approach, not the mindless, contradiction-filled claptrap that seems to be coming out of lower Manhattan." I'm sorry, haven't we been waiting on this approach for like 3 years? Obviously our leaders in government are: (a) not competent to do their job, (b) don't care about average working americans who are/have been getting screwed for the past 30 years in trying to acquire a living wage in our society, or (c) both. I would ask Cohen what his solution would be, but I have a feeling his answer will be equivalent to "let the free market resolve this issue", which should be good for a laugh.

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