Afghanistan to back Pakistan in wars with US: Karzai


Afghanistan would support Pakistan in case of military conflict between Pakistan and the US, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said in an interview to a private TV channel broadcast on Saturday.
The remarks were in sharp contrast to recent tension between the two neighbours over cross-border raids, and Afghan accusations that Pakistan was involved in killing the chief Afghan peace envoy, former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani, by a suicide bomber on September 20. “God forbid, if ever there is a war between Pakistan and America, Afghanistan will side with Pakistan,” he said.
“If Pakistan is attacked and if the people of Pakistan need Afghanistan’s help, Afghanistan will be there with you.” Such a situation is extremely unlikely, however. Despite months of tension and tough talk between Washington and Islamabad, the two allies appear to be working to ease tension.


  1. IF he is sincere.., i am surprised. If US attacks Pakistan……I , my whole family is with the PAK army……pls give weapon to every family member of mine, including 10 year old daughter…to fight with them.

    We dont want killings…..unless imposed. We are not Libyans neither we are such inhumane to follow the trap of foreign country. We didnt like the way Gaddafi was killed by his own people no matter what he did. This shows the level of maturity of the nation. He deserved a fair trial and may then be hanged.

    No matter how corrupt our leaders are….but when it comes to survival….WE are going to stand with our army. Secondly, we did help afghanistan In the time of need. We gave refuge to them, which tumbled our economy and affected every single home, every single person of our country, even now we are facing problems but even then we are happy and satisfied that we did this. We are muslims but more importantly we are neighbours. Our prophet has given all rights to neighbours. So, Afghan should stand with Pak, no matter how deadly, big or strong is the threat. We like Americans and Indians. But if USA wants Pakistan to self suicide, by opening more borders of wars and creating more dictators in the region?….then it becomes the matter of survival! and for the survival, it becomes matter of do or die, and for the matter of do or die….one has to use EVERY MEANS! necessary.

  2. The recent visit of Secretary Clinton to Islamabad and her sudden change of tone, and heart, was no surprise to anyone. It clearly suggests that, for its economic compulsions, the US wants to get out of the Afghanistan mess it has created itself, as soon as possible. It wants to do so without compromising on its broader objectives and its interests in the region. It seeks to broker a peace deal with the Taliban factions through Pakistan and is pressuring Pakistan to push Haqqanis, the most powerful of Taliban, to the negotiating table. It thought Pakistan could arm-twist Haqqanis into submission through a military operation in North Waziristan. The US thinks that Pakistan, for a variety of reasons, has the “capacity to encourage, to push, to squeeze … terrorists, including the Haqqanis and the Afghan Taliban, to be willing to engage on the peace process”. This reflects the reality that the United States is desperate and is running out of options in Afghanistan. This explains the clear pattern of sweet-talk, coerce and sweet-talk again. Read more at:

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