US cannot abandon Pakistan: Clinton


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Thursday the United States cannot abandon Pakistan, but that the South Asian nation must help solve Afghanistan’s difficulties or it will ‘continue to be part of the problem.’
Answering questions after a speech sponsored by the Center for American Progress in Washington, Clinton said the United States had no choice but to work with Pakistan in trying to stabilize neighboring Afghanistan.
“This is a very difficult relationship but I believe strongly it is not one we can walk away from and expect that anything will turn out better,” she said. “Pakistan has to be part of the solution or they will continue to be part of the problem,” she added.
“And therefore, as frustrating as it is, we just keep every day going at it and I think we make very slow, sometimes barely discernible progress, but we’re moving in the right direction.”


  1. Ms Hilary – leave Pakistan and Afghanistan alone. All the issues in the Region will be solved once you leave. Your presence will keep this region in turmoil. If you could not achieve your targets in last 10 years, you should not think of achieving these even in next decade. You are the part of problem but asking Pakistan – "Pakistan has to be part of the solution or they will continue to be part of the problem,".

  2. Clinton this state ment is same as obama and other leaders and enymies of pakistan giving staments against pakistan and Afganistan,clintone stement will not make happy pakistan public .This statement is like as usa leaders giving in Iraq,for Pelestine and muslim African countries and killing and threating innocent muslims,they destroing arabworld too from many years for their buisness etc. so same they mean usa destroying pakistan and Afganistan and blaming pakistan .Usa ans europe never help millatyly in past wars because they are muslim enymies so pakistani seeing infront them that usa and nato forces are their eny mies so how pakistani can faith on ever.

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