Indian anti-graft campaigner beaten up on camera


Suspected Hindu activists on Wednesday beat up an Indian anti-graft campaigner during a television interview, allegedly in retaliation for his calls for a referendum in the disputed region of Kashmir. Two men burst into the New Delhi chambers of Prashant Bhushan, a Supreme Court lawyer, dragged him to the floor and kicked and punched him in front of the cameras. Bhushan, who was not seriously hurt, was one of the key advisers to hunger striker Anna Hazare’s anti-corruption protest campaign in August that drew huge nationwide support and left the government looking out of touch.
He said he was assaulted because of his support for a referendum on control of Muslim-majority Kashmir, where many people favour breaking away from India. “They were saying that I have made some comments on Kashmir to which they were taking objection. I have said that a referendum should be held in Kashmir,” Bhushan was quoted as saying by the PTI news agency. The agency said the two men reportedly belonged to a right-wing Hindu group. One was detained, while the other was being sought by police.