Pakistan Today

A lurking threat

Chaudary Aslam, the SSP Crime Investigations Department, already came under attack when his house was severely damaged supposedly by the TTP in Defence area of Karachi. However, there is a list of another five olice officers who were named in an email sent by the terrorist organisation’s Ihsan Ullah Ihsan to different media groups. The other five police officers namely Fiyaz Khan, Raja Ummar Khitab, Mazhar Mashwani, Khurram Waris and Farooq Awan have been receiving life threats by the terrorist organisation. However, their resolve to fight terrorism is still unhindered. Reality is that these officers fear sending their children to school, and have also faced difficulties in moving to new residences. All the officers have already proven their worth by identifying and arresting high profile terrorists. Unfortunately, terrorists are more disciplined than police and have shown better coordination as well. This fear has already been expressed by one of the officers named in this email. It is important that families of these officers be given foolproof security so that they can continue with their duty without fearing for their families’ security.

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