Pakistan Today

Watch out for the congo virus: KP Health Dept

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Health Department spokesman stressed the need to create public awareness regarding Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) fever. He said CCHF is a hemorrhagic fever caused by a virus (Nairovirus). It is transmitted to humans by bite of an infected tick or direct contact with blood and secretions of an infected animal or human, he added. Seasonal occurrence of happens in Pakistan from spring to fall with peak incidence in June and October, he said during the meeting of Health Department that was called by KP chief secretary, to review the dengue situation and steps taken by the health department in this regard. The Chief Secretary on this occasion also ordered the department to direct all EDOs (Health) in the province to coordinate with DCOs and TMAs in sensitizing the butchers and other animal handlers on prevention of CCHF and to take precautionary measures. It was also agreed that the authorities concerned must assure screening of cattle herds and vehicles transported cattle, entering big cities, especially on the occasion of Eid ul Azha and proactively assured compliance of preventive measures. The WHO recommended protocols/guidelines have already been distributed to EDOs (Health) of all the districts with instructions to distribute the same to all health facilities in the districts and organize awareness campaigns. Meanwhile five persons died from dengue fever in KP on Thursday. The updated report issued by the KP Directorate General Health Services shows 521 suspected cases of dengue fever reported in various hospitals out of which 521 were confirmed and 60 patients are still admitted while 84 patients have traveled to Punjab.

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