Experts highlight Europe’s role in Afghanistan


The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) organised a public talk, as part of its lecture series titled, “Europe’s Engagement in Afghanistan” here on Tuesday. The speaker, a renowned German scholar, Dr Christian Wagner, Head of the Asia Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, gave an insightful and comprehensive overview of the European Union’s role, policy and commitment in Afghanistan.
In his welcome address, former ISSI chairman and former foreign minister, Inam ul Haq, introduced Dr Wagner as an old friend of Pakistan as well as an expert on South Asia affairs.
He said that Afghanistan was of particular interest to Pakistan, not only because both the countries shared a border, but also because all the foreign forces were intending to leave the country by 2014, thus allowing Afghanistan to once again become an independent state and rightfully regain its sovereign status. Hanns Siedel Foundation Resident Representative Dr Martin Axmann stated that the topic of Dr Wagner’s lecture was an issue that continued to be ignored in Pakistan, and among the media, government, academics etc.
“The Afghan imbroglio tends to be viewed as a Pakistan – US – Afghanistan affair”, he said, adding that he was optimistic that the talk would help highlight the fact that Europe was heavily engaged and committed to Afghanistan’s future. He said the Europe had an important role to play not only in the transition process but also beyond 2014.
In his lecture, Dr Christian Wagner began by saying that after 9/11 and with the establishment of the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, Europe had been heavily engaged in Afghanistan.
“The stabilisation and development of Afghanistan is a major external priority for the European Union (EU), which has contributed more than 4 billion Euros to Afghanistan. The thrust of the European assistance has gradually shifted from humanitarian assistance and support for reconstruction towards development cooperation aimed at supporting priorities set out in the Afghanistan National Development Strategy,” he added.
Highlighting the EU assistance in Afghanistan since 2002, Dr Wagner explained that the emphasis had primarily been focused on governance, infrastructure, agriculture, rural development, health and social protection reforms.
He also highlighted several other the EC projects in the areas of animal health, horticulture, irrigation and river basin management etc. The EU, he said, comprised of different actors with diverging views and although there were disagreements among many member states regarding Afghanistan, the EU’s commitment to Afghanistan is long-term and beyond 2014.
He was of the opinion that 2014 should not be regarded as an end to international support to Afghanistan but merely the beginning. Speaking about the Lisbon Conference on Afghanistan, he said that although the NATO had been actively involved in Afghanistan since 2001, the transition of security responsibilities to Afghan forces was in process and that would finish by 2014. The event concluded after a question and answer session and closing remarks of Inam ul Haq.