EU should ensure holding of free, fair elections in Pakistan: Imran


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan stressed that the European Union should ensure the holding of free and fair elections in Pakistan.
He expressed these views while talking to Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union His Excellency Lars-Gunnar Wigemark who called on the Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan in Islamabad here on Monday. They discussed matters of mutual interest in the meeting.
Imran stressed that the European Union should ensure the holding of free and fair elections in Pakistan for which genuine electoral lists and an independent election commission were essential pre-requisites. He warned that if the path to free and fair elections was impeded, there would be a bloodbath in the country. He expressed hope that PTI would sweep the next elections in the country and form the government to put the country on way to progress and salvation.
Moreover, he said that there is no military solution to the problem of militancy. He suggested that an immediate ceasefire should be announced in the tribal region that should be followed by the initiation of dialogue with the militant groups. The process of reconciliation could be expedited through the setting up of a truth and reconciliation commission that should address all the nagging issues for facilitating harmony and peace throughout the war-ravaged region. He said there was a need to win over the tribal people, and this could not happen through bombing them. This would happen only if their genuine concerns were addressed and remedies, said Imran.
He also stressed that Pakistan should immediately disengage itself from the US-led ‘war on terror’ which never was Pakistan’s war. It is a war that we have been fighting for the sake of dollars that have enriched a few people in the country at the cost of our sovereignty and national interests, he said.
Imran also said that Pakistan was being ruled by a corrupt mafia that had been facilitated into power by the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO). He asserted that since the rulers had their assets abroad, their children were based abroad and their interests were out of this country, they had no commitment to Pakistan or its interests. According to him, their only interest was their personal aggrandisement for which they were denuding the country of its wealth and resources.
The PTI chief said that given the opportunity, his party would introduce a transparent culture of governance which, beginning at the top, would penetrate to the grassroots level with no exception. Taxes would be levied and everyone who had to pay would be made to pay. This would be made possible by making everyone accountable to the rule of law without an exception.


  1. Once Again he shows his complete lack of incredulity concerning the analysis of the rest of the world or the current government.But hell, hes the opposition after all.

  2. the problem in Pakistan politics is systematic..unless the system changes, even a fair elected government in Pakistan will fall in the pits of corruption and slavery like many others before it..Pakistan first needs a sweeping revolution which makes Pakistan free from feudalism and inequality.

  3. and here immi goes again! inviting the foreigners to come…. he needs to stop being critical of the present regime as he offers the same solution to our problems like any other

  4. HOW DISCONNECTED HE IS WITH THE REALITY. STILL LOOKING FOR SOLUTIONS OUTSIDE. Slavery has found a permamnet abode in the mind of the self styled national leaders who are sadly not even ashamed of the way they think, or perhaps worse still not aware of the way they think. They need to satnd up and look for solutions within the constraints put on them. Army did why can't you Mr Khan.

  5. It is a an evidence that No one trusts anyone in Islamic republic of Pakistan. All are cheats. They need outsiders to decide their internal matters. Shame.

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