Rabbani killer was Pakistani: Karzai’s office


The killer of Afghan peace envoy Burhanuddin Rabbani was Pakistani, a statement from Afghanistan’s presidential palace said Sunday, quoting investigators.
Evidence shows that Rabbani’s death last month “was plotted in Quetta and the person who carried out the suicide attack against Rabbani was a citizen of Pakistan,” the statement said.
It added that the killer had been living in Chaman, a Pakistani border town near Quetta.
Rabbani, chairman of President Hamid Karzai’s High Peace Council, was killed by a turban suicide bomber at his home in Kabul on September 20.
He had thought that he was meeting a representative carrying a special message from the Taliban.
Karzai’s government has been struggling to start talks with the Taliban in a bid to end the 10-year insurgency in Afghanistan but has made no meaningful progress.
Karzai’s spokesman Siamak Herawi said Sunday that the president was reviewing his peace strategy, adding that he would reveal next steps “very soon”.


  1. Look at the irony of history. Pakistan was a committed US ally in the war against Soviet Russia. Without Pakistan’s support, Mujahideen could not drive Russian forces leading to disintegration of Soviet Union, a goal the US wanted to achieve at all costs. Pakistan has always remained on the right side of the US during the cold war and paid dearly for that. With the changing scenario, it now finds itself in the woods after having earned American fury despite fighting US “war on terror” for 10 years. The loss of human lives alone of Pakistanis, branded as collateral damage, is 4000 military men and 35000 civilians. Such are the ways of international politics. India, despite having remained aloof, and largely unhurt, in the war or terror, is now preparing to take the reins of power after the endgame in Afghanistan. Read more at: http://pksecurity.blogspot.com/2011/10/anti-us-al

  2. @saamia you are right but krzaie still doesn’t learnt about the reality and strength of Talibaan. My advice to karzaie is to handover the Govt. to Talibaan who are real representatives of Afgaan soil:-)

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