HBL Money Market Fund


Mr Muhammad Aamir Khan boasts a diversified experience of over 12 years in treasury, investments and finance prior to joining HBL Asset Management Limited. Currently he holds the position of fund manager for three funds, namely HBL – Money Market Fund (HBL-MMF), HBL – Income Fund (HBL-IF) and HBL Multi Asset Fund (HBL – MAF). He is also on the investment committee of all the four funds being managed at HBL Asset Management Limited.
HBL-MMF is an actively managed fund; however, not all avenues have been explored as yet. The manager’s reports clearly show that money gathered by the fund so far invariably gets invested heavily in treasury bills. However, if a discount rate hike is expected, the investment is parked in DFI’s and Commercial Banks for short periods.
Since inception, the fund has been unsuccessful in posting returns that would match its category average. However, volatility in returns perfectly matches peer average, even though in money market funds volatility can be ignored as results across the board match each other. HBL–MMF posted 11.28 per cent for FY11, versus 11.43 per cent of peer average.
HBL-MMF started with Rs727m assets under management and after 12 months it has accumulated Rs4.1b as at Jun11. The fund size shows robust growth. The key months for studying fund size are CY-end and FY-end, as commercial banks and corporations need cash to dress up financial statements. The fund size did show a decrease of around Rs300m on CY-end; however the fund size has touched Rs5.9b as of Jul-11, which is a good indication for retail investors as concentration risk decreases when fund size increases.
The management fee for HBL–MMF is 1.00 per cent, and as of Mar-11, total expense ratio (TER) was 0.82 per cent. However, it is expected that the TER will approximately grow to 1.20 per cent per annum, which is below the peer average.
HBL–MMF is invested in 86 per cent T-Bills, and 14 per cent with commercial banks as of Jun-11, whereas if we look up at the historical pattern of the fund, it has always placed its investments in treasury bills and only pulled out if discount hike is expected.
HBL asset management limited has successfully gathered assets under management to get into the big league of the AMC industry. However, when it comes to HBL– MMF, the fund’s operating cost is low, but unfortunately returns are low as well. The purpose of money market funds is providing liquidity and returns, which is not available for retail investors as banks cannot offer both together. However, due to the recent liquidity crisis, banks have once again started providing good rates on one-month term deposit periods, so the only beef with the fund is basically the return.
Recommendation: SELL


  1. Dear Mr. Asadullah Saleem

    The article you have written is beautiful except for the returns you mentioned. Please let me know how you calculate the return and if you are calculating it the same way for all the funds, you will find that HBL Money Market Fund has always performed better and remained with in top four position if you see the year to date return of the funds. Therefore, I would request that either you try and get things strait for you or please do not negatively publicize things.

  2. Brother,

    What the hell are you talking about ? You are writing finance related articles and it seems like you have absolutely no idea/knowledge of what you're talking about.

    -You are either incredibly dumb.
    -Or you are a professional liar.

    Money Market funds invest in Government securities of less than 6-Months. YES All money market funds do this! That's the reason its risk profile is ranked as the lowest. Kindly enlighten me with your views on "other" investment "avenues" for MM funds.

    You have mentioned discount rate "hikes" , WHAT? discount rate has been on declining spree and has been reduced by 2% during the last 3 months. The last "Hike" was in Nov 2010. HBL MMFUND "Does not" invests or lends to DFIs. The cash at months end is due to investment in TDR with AA+ rated Commercial banks. The money is'nt pulled out of T-bills under any scenario, the portfolio is however remodeled as per the changing economic scenario.

    HBL Money market funds has consistently maintained the top position since its launch in Jul 2010. Its open information, the comparison reports(from neutral sources) can be mailed to anyone who wishes to see the actual performance of the fund.

    You should look for other things to write about – Fashion may be ?

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