Chinese vice premier visits Pakistan Monument Museum


China’s Vice Prime Minister Meng Jianzhu, accompanied by his entourage, visited Pakistan Monument Museum here at Shakarparian on Wednesday. The visit was arranged by Lok Virsa (National Institute of Folk & Traditional Heritage) in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On arrival, the distinguished guests were given a very warm welcome by Information Secretary Taimur Azmat Osman, Lok Virsa Executive Director Khalid Javaid and other senior officials. The visiting delegation was given a brief introduction about Lok Virsa and its major activities and projects. The Chinese vice premier and his entourage saw various artworks displayed at the museum presenting the idea of Pakistan’s creation and development as a progressive state.
The delegation took with interest the artifacts portraying contribution of Pakistan’s national heroes. The delegates were also very much impressed by the display on the Indus Valley Civilization (3000 to 1500 BC) including Harappa and Moenjodaro. Earlier, the delegates also paid a visit to the National Monument. The Chinese vice premier appreciated the role and efforts of the Lok Virsa administration.