Senate body warns against any misadventure inside Pakistan


The Senate Standing Committee on Defence Tuesday warned against any misadventure inside Pakistani territory by the US, with the members of the committee stating that the US would have to pay the cost for any attack against Pakistan’s sovereignty.
“The committee, in its meeting, has taken the threats by the US authorities very seriously and condemned the allegations levelled against its security institutions. In case of any covert operation inside Pakistani territory, the US helicopters would not be able to return this time as Pakistan reserves the right to respond to any such action from other side of the border. The US administration would have to think ten times before any action inside Pakistan. No one can dare attack Pakistan as the nation stands united. No enemy (state) can implement nefarious designs. Rather than indulging in blame-game, the US should resolve all issues through talks,” said Lt General (r) Javed Ashraf Qazi, the chairman of the committee, while briefing reporters after the meeting.
Earlier, the meeting was given a detailed briefing by the officials of ministry of foreign affairs, ministry of defence and inter-services intelligence (ISI) agency. Qazi said the officials of the three organs of the state had responded to the questions asked by the members of the committee putting a clear picture to the committee on the strained US-Pakistan relations.
“We have come to know the objectives behind the ongoing blame game by the US officials against the ISI and other state institutions. The committee fully supports the actions being taken by the government and we also support the PM’s move to convene the All Parties Conference (APC),” he said, adding that the situation demanded of all political parties to gel together to support the government and state institutions in this difficult time. The committee also advised the government to take all its friendly states into confidence through a strong diplomatic offensive and it should be conveyed that Pakistan reserve the right and has the capability to respond to any attack on its sovereignty.
“The Americans (officials) don’t mind telling lies if it is their national interest. Just take the case when President Obama had claimed on TV that Raymond Davis was a diplomat but later it was proved he was a CIA contractor. Same is the case with the US media as they always toe the government’s propaganda policy. Our problem with us that we lack unity and focus,” said Qazi, who also is a distinguished retired military officer who has served as director general of the ISI, the most feared agency worldwide for its successes despite limited resources.
Defending the ISI, Qazi said that the committee fully supported the ISI and that the allegations by US officials for Kabul attacks were false and fabricated. “Only terrorists would gain from the (false) allegations levelled by the US,” said Qazi, adding that if the US administration had evidence, it should share the same with Pakistan.
“The committee was of the view that the military leadership should decide when and if it needs to conduct operation in North Waziristan,” he said. About Haqqani network, Qazi said that Jalaluddin Haqqani once a favourite Jehadi leader of the US who even had been invited to the White House by the US administration. “Only the Pakistan-US ties soured after (Leon) Panetta took over as defence secretary of the USA,” he added.
He also elaborated how the US had not fulfilled its commitments made to Pakistan about aid and assistance in social and military fields.