Pakistan Today

Unchecked private schools

In wake of dengue insecticide spray, Punjab government’s decision for closure of private schools has also brought concern to the economically crushed parents who have to bear the high school fees. While their children are sitting at home for four consecutive months, private schools continue to charge fees for even the holiday period. This is an absolute nuisance as schools make profits out of this without incurring any operational expenses.

The Punjab government must take into account that in this high inflation era, parents are giving their hard earned money for exorbitant fees of these schools. Some high-tag schools are enjoying full independence in the absence of any regulatory body which could monitor their unethical activities. Due to the unavailability of quality education, parents are forced to go through their dictated system.

We demand that the recent holidays fee charges must be substituted in next month’s fee bill, and for the longer run, a regulatory body should be formed to make such educational institutions accountable and bound to follow a code of conduct that should prevent indiscriminate increase of school fees, stationary dues and other miscellaneous overheads that accumulate into a nonsensical increase in the gross fee bill.

A check to prevent the freehand policy to these schools would certainly lessen the burden of parents. I hope the CM will take immediate action to give relief to the poor parents.



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