Ghulam Ishaq Institute for Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI) held a two-day seminar on career building from September 23-25. It was organised by SOPHEP, a GIKI society for the promotion of higher education and professional excellence. The seminar gave an opportunity to the students to know about the trends in the world outside of GIKI, get internships and on campus jobs.
A number of guest speakers, including Unilever Brand Manager for Cornetto, Badami, Fruttare and Magnum Falak Jalil who spoke about creating brands through local relevance, Mvergence Media Business Development Manager Ameer Aftab who spoke on the future of computing and its impact on day to day activities and Walnut Media BDM Hirra Babar who spoke about how digital media was changing the world. A number of competitions were also organised for the students.