Pakistan Today

The dwindling industrial sector

We have no dearth of human resources but they are under-utilised and mismanaged. We need to exploit our resources for our benefits.

Our situation has further worsened because of economic downslide. These are many factors for this malaise. The exaggerated figures and playing with numbers has become a favourite game. The recent FBR reports caused a stir, but no drastic action was taken against the culprits. Our tax collections and recovery system is yet another story. We need to lighten the monetary and fiscal policy. We follow IMF guidelines, and fulfil their demands at the cost of our own vital interests. We have become a milch cow for these financial institutions. The foreign aid and loans are ever-increasing, causing great stress and strain on our overall economy.

Many poverty reduction programmes are in place but we have not achieved the desired results. The health of a nation is extremely essential for prosperity, and we are way back on this front as well. Other major ills of our society are poverty, hunger and diseases coupled with corruption and lack of education. We are one of the poorest nations in the world. Our per capita income is very low and we also have a large number of IDPs. This is a recipe for disaster.

We have not carved out any viable policy to combat with these ills. Rather, it seems we have no interest in making any policy. Our disaster management system lacks professional skills, efficiency and effective delivery and control system. We have not learnt any lessons from history. Due to our participation in the war on terror, we are further thrown into a quagmire. Where there is will, there is a way. But we have not yet found way out.



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