Pakistan scores poorly in GC Ranking


Pakistan remains one of the poorest performers of the developing Asia region, and indeed of the entire sample of 142 countries, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Ranking 2011-2012. In the report for 142 countries, it said it was particularly worrisome that Pakistan earned its lowest marks, with no sign of improvement, in the most basic areas of competitiveness, namely institutions (107th), infrastructure (115th), health and primary education (121st), and the macroeconomic environment (138th).
In order to benefit from the probable scale advantages associated with its population size, Pakistan would have to decrease regulatory rigidities in the labour market (now ranked 136th) and reduce barriers to domestic and foreign competition in order to render the markets for goods and services more efficient (93rd), the report said. Last but not least, boosting technological adoption of firms and the public at large would allow for considerable productivity increases in the country, the report added.