Floods cripple the country


Monsoon rain crippled Karachi and the government came under pressure to provide relief for about 300,000 people left homeless by floods in rural Sindh, where another 10 people were killed on Tuesday. Pakistan is still haunted by memories of epic floods last year, which brought widespread criticism of the government because of its slow response.
More than 800,000 families remain without permanent shelter from the 2010 countrywide floods, aid groups say, and more than a million need food assistance. The leaders face a new crisis as monsoon rains, which have killed 226 people this year, sweep through Sindh. Floodwaters have destroyed or damaged 1.2 million houses and flooded 4.5 million acres since late August, disaster management officials and Western aid groups say.
In Karachi, few people made it to work or school and more rain forecast through Wednesday raised the possibility of extended disruptions. Many streets were impassable, cars were stuck and several fuel stations were inundated. “We have recorded 50-100mm of rain in Karachi and the situation is pretty bad. It can turn even worse,” said Karachi District Coordination Officer (DCO) Mohammad Hussain Syed.
He said no casualties had been recorded, however a private TV channel reported that two people had been electrocuted to death. Many banks were also closed in Karachi. “I thought I would be able to make it to work, but it was a wrong decision. Now I am stuck. My car has broken down and I can’t even find anyone for help,” said banker Khalid Hussain, standing knee-deep in water. In the countryside, flood victims condemned the government, echoing sentiment during last year’s disaster.
Near the town of Badin, hundreds built shelters from branches, sheets and plastic as goats roamed nearby. The floods took many by surprise. “Everything we have is destroyed. Our landlords gave us food but not the government,” said 65-year-old Bani. “When the water came we just grabbed a few belongings, anything we could carry, like the beds. We have just the clothes we are wearing,” she added.
Officials said they were doing their best to help people. “In many areas the flooding has completely cut off villages. So we can’t even reach those people. We have asked the army’s engineering corps to help move these people,” Sindh Minister for Rehabilitation Muzafar Ali Shujra told Reuters. Aid workers expressed fears over possible outbreaks of diseases linked to the new floods, especially among children.
Karachi contributes about two-third of the government’s total tax revenue and 25 percent of gross domestic product. Floods are the last thing the city of 18 million people needs. Political and ethnic violence, organised crime, drug gangs and militancy have destabilised Karachi, prompting recent calls for a military crackdown.
Local officials say devastation in parts of the country’s main breadbasket is worse than last year. “At least 270 people have died so far because of falling roofs, drowning in flooding waters and subsequent diseases among the affected families,” said Sajjad Haider Shah, a disaster management official in Sindh. In Sanghar, most of the 125,000 residents have left home because of flooding, said local official Anwer Narejo.
In Hyderabad, a one-kilometre stretch of National Highway was swept away by flashfloods between Oungar to Jhirk of Thatta district.


  1. Nation is SUUFRERING FROM THE CURSES VISTING US DUE TO THE WORST EVER CORRUPT GOVERNMENT OF mqm,pppz,anp who have ruined poor and Pakistan.

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