Key to PPSC lecturers’ seat on sale


Private publishers and private academies are all set to loot students after the announcement of around 2,500 lecturers’ seats by the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC). Various publishers have published test preparation guides, claiming to support students to clear the test. On the other hand, private academics have started special classes for the preparation of lecturers’ test and are offering different packages to attract candidates.
A race among the post-graduate students has started to get a lecturer’s seat in the government sector. A number of candidates are applying for the seats well before September 12, which is the last date for submission of applications. It is this enthusiasm, which triggered private publishers to bring in “ideal books” and private academies to start test training.
According to the PPSC’s policies, the candidates would be required to clear a two-hour objective type written test, which would mainly involve answering multiple choice questions. Candidates would be tested on the comprehension of their respective subjects.
Recognising the market demand for test guides but staying ignorant of the test type and PPSC’s policies, private publishers have prepared test preparation guides and are charging candidates heavily for the books, while private academies are almost demanding Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000 for the test preparation. The academies have also started advertisement campaigns to attract students. For the academies and the publishers, the idea is to exploit candidate’s demand and mint money.
A student, Sumera, shared her views with Pakistan Today. She said private publishers were taking advantage of the students’ needs. She said crashing through guide books was not the right way to prepare for the test and it was imperative for the candidates to go through the entire syllabus. She voted in favour of the subjective type exam and maintained that it was a better way to test a candidate’s comprehension of his subject.
Another student, Abdul Rahman, said government should ban these private publishers. He alleged that the government supported these private publishers and examiners also designed the test from the books published by a publishers’ mafia. He said these publishers were destroying the education system.
A private academy student, Sumra, said that although it was difficult for her to pay the fee, she would have to join the academy for test preparation. She said everyone wanted to clear the exam and get employed and one could not take chances. She said most students were not aware with the exam style and believed that academy teachers were experts in this regard and would be helpful to pass the test.
A private academy official said that they had displayed their banners at various parts of the city and were charging almost Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000 for test preparation.


  1. This prepeation of exam through private acadamies is not good. A person should prepare his exam through his subject syllabus. This system of exam i.e MCQ is not good. It should be subjective type.

  2. MCQs is good as only that candidate attempts who has gone through whole course but .
    MCQs should be not taken from one/single book …more so ppsc should provide pattern as sample of every subject so MCQS should be chosen carefully

    • hello then how diid you prepare 4 the exams. kindly guide us if u have any experience of taken the exams.

  3. the preparation through private academies does not serve the purpose.only those candidates can pass the exam who have thorough knowledge of the subject.
    A few days preparation cant help.MCQ is really very affective and comprehensive type of test provided it is masterly set.
    Ishtiaq Ahmad Chattha.([email protected])

  4. is there any lecturer who has been selected through ppsc exam kindly share ur experience how to attept paper , wt r the mothods of preparation , and i think objective paper is gud in this computer cheking can not involve any missuse of paper and cheking is accorate in this way

  5. hi what z the syllabus of ppsc lectureship for anybody have any sample pprs?can u plz tell me which publisher or academy is good for preparatrion.bcz i hv no idea about this test so i wany to gain some knowledge from any book which have past pprs or any academy which can guide me.
    if any body knows then plz tell mE..

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