Pakistan Today

Time for change

Political turmoil seems to be the order of the day in to-days’ global village, fast turning into a global jungle – especially in Pakistan.

If the political clashes and economic deprivation in Balochistan, the war in the North, the abduction of citizens, consistent drone attacks, the increasing poverty, degenerative medical facilities and the constant state of fear of being blown away to pieces, thefts, murders, gang wars, and corruption wasn’t enough for the sad populace of this country, the killing-mayhem and democratic-farce in Karachi has become like flies over a dead corpse. The corpse being the successive dictatorial and democratic forms of governments.

The people of Pakistan have had enough. The citizens of Pakistan are fed up with this power juggling between the power classes, where injustices done on the basis of ‘majority is authority’ or ‘totalitarianism’ are turned into vicious circles of death and destruction.

When one sees human lives being trampled; when one sees secular democratic parties waging an all out war on each other, with bodies dropping all across ex-capital, one questions if the blood of Muslims is worth anything in the sight of these rulers? The fact is, that the failure cannot only be blamed on the ruling elite, for the blame has to go with the general public. Time after time, the public fools itself into believing that either ‘dictatorial’ or ‘democratic’ form of governments will lead them out of their miseries.

Its time for change and it must come from the people.



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