Pakistan Today

The dangers of fluoride

The results of recent scientific studies on the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water are so horrific, it’s shocking the government still hasn’t banned this toxic chemical completely. In April 2010, Time Magazine listed fluoride as one of the “Top Ten common household toxins” and described fluoride as both “neurotoxic and potentially tumourigenic if swallowed.” A June 2011 study reveals that fluoride ingestion can cause severe brain and neurological damage. “Fluoride can be toxic by ingesting one part per million (ppm) and the effects. can take 20 years or more to become evident.”

Extensive research on fluoride and the brain has associated elevated levels of fluoride exposure with IQ deficits, brain damage and learning disabilities in children. Studies from dental journals demonstrate that not only does fluoride fail to prevent tooth decay, it causes a condition called dental fluorosis, a defect in tooth enamel. A shocking 41% of American adolescents (ages 12-15) have dental fluorosis. The appropriate action would be to call for municipalities to cease and desist putting this carcinogenic rat poison in our drinking water entirely.



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