Middle-aged Brits ‘unhealthiest in the world’


Middle-aged Britons are the unhealthiest in the world, says a new poll. The study of more than 13,000 people in 12 countries found that Britons aged 45 to 54 were the fattest, the biggest smokers, and the most likely to be depressed and have the gloomiest outlook on life. It found that the fast-food-loving, exercise-shy Americans – who have long been regarded as the benchmark for unhealthy living – are in better shape.
According to experts, a mis-spent youth, long working hours, financial responsibilities and a mistaken belief that they are thinner and healthier than they actually are, are to be blamed for ill health in middle age. The research for private healthcare group Bupa found that Britons are in worse mental and physical health than any others of their age group, from Australia to India.
Many of those polled said lack of time, motivation, energy and money were barriers to healthy living. The study also revealed Britons as the most pessimistic across all age groups. Overall, just 48 percent said they felt positive about life in general – compared with 64 percent of Brazilians and 73 percent of Mexicans.