CDA fails to ban BTS installation on buildings


The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has failed to impose a complete ban on the installation of Based Transceiver Stations (BTS) on building rooftops in the federal capital and to shift the already installed equipments.
“The civic body had imposed a ban on the installation of BTSs on the rooftops of buildings after the earthquake in 2005, but various cellular companies, violating the CDA directives, had installed 143 BTSs over rooftops across the city, said an official CDA source while talking to Pakistan Today. He said that the high ups of the CDA had also decided that the Directorate of Municipal Administration (DMA) would not only impose the ban on the installation of BTS on rooftops but also review the old policy. Under the old policy, installation of BTSs was allowed everywhere in the city, he said.
The official said that according to the old policy the CDA charged Rs 50,000 to cellular companies for BTS installation on rooftops and Rs 15,000 on green belts. So far only 80 BTSs are installed legally in the city, he said.
The insider said according to the reviewed policy the CDA would fine all cellular companies violating the ban. The CDA would also provide land to all the companies who installed BTSs illegally and these companies would shift their equipment to the ground within three months, he said.
The source also said the DMA at CDA had reviewed the old policy, but the management at these cellular companies had continued violating rules and regulations with the connivance of the CDA high-ups. “The relevant directorate has informed the CDA board about this but they have so far not allowed the DMA to take effective action against the companies”, he said.
The official said the Ministry of Environment had also raised the issue of the health hazard posed by BTSs and requested the concerned authorities to investigate the matter. The investigation conducted by the authorities revealed that the booster and antennas erected by the telecommunication companies emit radio frequency fields, which are non-ionizing and a health hazard, he said.
The official said according to the rules and regulation the companies are bound to take environmental approval from the concerned department.