132 Pakistanis stranded at Jeddah Airport


At least 132 Pakistanis, returning home after performing Umrah, have been marooned at the Jeddah Airport for the last three days, a private TV channel reported on Thursday.
Talking to the channel, one of the stranded passenger, Idrees Chauhdry, held nothing back revealing the treacherous attitude of the authorities there, who after collecting their passports drove them into a hall forcing them to sit on the floor like prisoners.
He said, “ We have been made hostages here, no one is listening to us”.
There are women, children, old, and sick among the passengers and one old woman suffered a heart attack a day ago.
These passengers were supposed to reach Pakistan before eid, but callous immigration authorities bashed their dreams.


  1. I wish journalists would stop making a drama out of everything and just state facts… learn to use the language appropriately.

    • I don't see what the "drama" is here – the report has factually stated the farcical and clearly racist attitude of the Saudi authorities. To deny these poor people the right to spend Eid with their families back home is actually atrocious.

  2. Its completely unimaginable in civilized world. But Sheikhdoms like KSA, it can happen any moment to any coloured person.

  3. My parents are among the 132 people held back at the airport, 45 hours, all kept waiting in false hope of their next flight, every 3 hours. The cold temperature with Air conditioners running at max, even a blanket was impossible to find as all their luggage had been taken with strict orders for not allowing anyone to leave the hall, practically making them hostages. Even a woman fainted from heart attack, and still no medical attention of any sort was given, but instead when complained, were shouted at. Obviously the poor ones couldnt afford even the water bottles, at the high airport rocked prices. Some were diabetic patients who had run out of their prescribed doses. After all those hours they were offered the only possible solution, a hotel stay in Jeddah with an Eid away from their loved ones. This thing needs to go front page!

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