Pakistan Today

Lockerbie bomber comatose, says his brother

The only man convicted for the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am jet which killed 270 people when it blew up over the Scottish town of Lockerbie is drifting in and out of a coma, his brother said on Monday. Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi, who has terminal cancer, “is in and out of a coma,” his brother Abdel Nasser told reporters outside the family home in a posh residential tree-lined street of the Libyan capital.
“His medicine was looted but he has new supplies now,” said Abdel Nasser, who came out to speak to journalists who had massed outside the family home in the Dimashq neighbourhood. Journalists were not allowed to enter the house. Earlier, the CNN news network quoted Megrahi’s son Khaled as saying his father is “surviving on oxygen and an intravenous drip” under the care of his family.

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