Pakistan Today

CDA Anti-Dengue Fever campaign in full swing

Capital Development Authority (CDA) Chairman Imtiaz Inayat Elahi on Monday said the authority, under its Anti-Dengue Fever campaign, was making all out efforts to provide a healthy environment for the residents of the federal capital.
Reviewing the progress of the Anti-Dengue Fever Campaign in a meeting held at the CDA Headquarters, the chairman said residents of the federal capital must take precautionary measures, which was their only option as no effective vaccine was available. These measures entailed changing water in water tank, bottles, bath tubs, flower and plant pots etc, once a week; installing wire gauze on the doors and windows; using mosquito nets treated with medicines – especially when sleeping outside; and covering pits of stagnant water around the house with sand or mud; destroying old tyres or other vessels that could store water, as these provided rich breeding sites for mosquitoes and lastly covering arms, legs and areas of exposed body parts. The chairman appreciated the Health Services Directorate’s endeavours and directed them “to keep the spirit and struggle up”.
The Health Services director apprised the CDA chairman about the daily progress of the anti-dengue campaign and said that as per directives, the officials at the Directorate diligently continued their activities in the form of fogging, spraying and putting Larvicidal granules in the open sewers around Islamabad.

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