New flag hoisted on Libyan embassy in Islamabad


A new flag associated with the Libyan uprising has been hoisted on the Libyan Embassy in Islamabad and the old flag of Qaddafi era was removed from the embassy.
Sources said that Libyan flag of Qaddafi era has been removed from the Libyan embassy in the federal capital.
The flag associated with the Libyan uprising is now being hoisted at the embassy.
The Libyan ambassador while speaking to private TV channel said that the decision to change the national flag was made five days ago with the approval of the embassy staff.


  1. This indeed is the People's Revolution whether induced by external forces or internal
    when the staff of the Diplomatic Corp representing the Government of Libya rebel only
    a desperate Dictator will stand in burning cinders hoping to save his crown.

  2. Democracy is un workable in Muslim Countries. System like CHINA is the only solution. During the process of the separation of East Pakistan the stooges of the Democracy had full support of the then Westwrn Powers plus India. Otherwise it would have been in the best intrest of Muslims of the sub continent that the Banglabandho Saikh Mujib, after V, should have negotiated mutual agreement for Separation as Brothers in Faith. He was not allowed to do so.

    Libyans were peacefull but THE TRIO [Usa,UK,Israel] have greater plan to demolish muslims and capture the natural resources. It is not a Peope's revulotion. It is a game like Nizam e Mustafa demonstrations or Thareek e Wukla in the support of Chif Justice. Libiya is going to suffer like Pakistan. Some western Stooge will be installed. Next is Syria. Even UAE, Saudia will not be spared. Alas our Media Lords are not realising and informing that Muslims must Awake and Rise like China.

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