Pakistan Today

After the operation

Political reconciliation a must

The surgical operation initiated in Karachi has led to the arrest of a number of suspects from different areas. Some of them have confessed their crimes before the press. The deployment of the Rangers in the city and the crackdown would provide a much needed sense of relief to the harassed citizens of Karachi. The law enforcement agencies have to continue the campaign against those who have taken the city hostage irrespective of the criminals’ political affiliations or social status. What one can reasonably expect is that as a result of the crackdown, targeted attacks on communities and indiscriminate firing on public places and transport would come to an end. Similarly, there would be a stoppage to the kidnappings and dead bodies being found in gunny bags. The ongoing operation by the Rangers would be considered successful if it achieves these aims.

Since the recent devastating rise in targeted killings was in the main an outcome of political differences between the PPP and MQM, there is a need on the part of the government to resolve them urgently. Unless this is done, peace would be short lived and violence is bound to erupt again whenever the law enforcement agencies are found napping. The breather that the government gets has to be utilised to iron out the differences. Any disagreement that the two parties fail to resolve should be taken to the National Assembly to be settled through national consensus. The fact that the parliament has successfully solved highly complex issues like provincial autonomy, reduction in the president’s powers and the restoration of the 1973 constitution provides one confidence that it will be able to resolve the problems specific to Sindh also.

While resolving the issues with the MQM, the provincial government’s opinion has to be given priority because ultimately the provincial administration has to face the music. There is a need on the part of the civil society to play its role in enforcing peace in the city also. A report tells of the traders having hired some 650 armed private guards to deal with extortionists. Similar steps need to be taken by the KCCI in the industrial area.

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