Used Cars import to affect local industry


Relaxations in used vehicles’ import will result in total closure of local auto makers with a job loss of more than 2 million workers in auto and allied engineering industry. This was stated by a spokesman for Pakistan Automotive Manufacturers Association in a statement. The spokesman said that allowing import of five year old cars is already causing embarrassment to the government which allowed the same to make cheaper cars available to consumers but most of them are priced at the rates of new locally made cars.
He was of the view that the tax evading trader mafia has mustered the courage to further this embarrassment by demanding relaxation on commercial import of used cars up to 10 years old which is suicidal for our already precarious economy.
PAMA spokesman said the auto industry has been deeply perturbed by this ridiculous demand of a lobby which does not contribute in job provision or technology transfer and evades taxes on a large scale besides under invoicing and fleecing the customers.
He said that the trader lobby has not only asked the Federal Minister of Commerce to further relax the age limit of used imported cars from five years to 10 years but also to allow the commercial imports of the same. “This will destroy the local industry and would make Pakistan a junkyard,” he said warning that the resultant job losses could create serious repercussions for the government.
He said car dealers successfully tricked the government into believing that the domestic car industry was producing expensive cars and resultantly government relaxed the import of used cars up to five years.
He further added that now the local market is flooded with used imported cars but their rates are extremely high compared to their age. A used imported four-five year old Suzuki Alto with an engine of 650 cc and depending on condition is being sold in the local market at Rs700,000 to Rs750,000 where as customer could buy brand new locally made alto with 1000 cc engine for this much money.
Similarly, he said that another most imported brand Vitz cost a little over Rs1.1 million while its parallel version Suzuki Swift is marketed by local manufacturer at the same price. Furthermore, he added that mostly luxury cars are being imported which is depriving the government of precious foreign exchange. The spokesman said that the government definitely has all the information in this regard and should have reprimanded the dealers that assured that the rates of used cars would be much lower to benefit the consumers.
He said that now the importers lobby has come up with the idea of bringing in 10-year-old used cars that are considered junk the world over. These cars would burden the consumers in the long run due to non-availability of spare parts and local capacity for after sales service.
“Allowing import of used vehicles commercially will not only be unfair to the poor consumers but a death warrant for the local industry which has invested billions of rupees over past decade and provided jobs to millions of people”, he said. “Even if restricted import under change of residence is allowed, the duty rates are so high and environmental conditions are so stringent that import of used cars becomes unviable for true owners as well,” he added. He said that the government after observing the prices of used imported cars should have reviewed its decision to allow their import. Instead, he regretted that state is encouraging unscrupulous elements to fleece the consumers.


  1. Instead of lamenting the losses of a dying industry, why can't he address the mass underproduction at all local manufacturing plants and locally produced cars so substandard that no other country on the planet is willing to import Pakistani cars. While the demand for 10 year old imports is ridiculous and illogical, the government should instead levy import taxes that are still 120% over the actual price of the imported vehicle and restrict importing vehicles to single owners who must then use their imported vehicle for at least two or three years.

    The increase in the quantity of vehicles will drive competition home and motivate SMEs to improve their quality of work. Hiding their misdeeds behind the arms of a cartel will not keep our problems at bay. The longer the Suzuki-Honda-Toyota Automotive Trinity Cartel stalls this revolution, the worse it will be for Pakistanis and subsequently for them.

  2. Fuck off local car manufacture you r bastered cuz u made 15 years old model in new mode u r bull shit dirty ass hole

  3. The local car manufacturers have had their day. They are building poor quality, uncomfortable cars and charging very high prices. Can you believe that a matchbox look-alike, pathetic quality car like mehran costs 8 lacs for a new one. They just want to keep their monopoly on the car industry and therefore don't want any competition and are therefore against the import of used cars. The consumer's life is hell as they have to pay abnormally high prices for pathetic cars like mehran and alto.

  4. No other car manufacturer in the world will sell the same shape/model of a car for more than two years. Pak Suzuki is incredible.

  5. Please close local auto industry. Its making a complete wreck, then tags it and sell with a big price on top.

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