Punjab Emergency Service receives 1088235 obnoxious calls


The Punjab Emergency Service, Rescue 1122 received 10, 88,235 obnoxious/irrelevant calls at emergency number 1122 since its inception in District Rawalpindi. The data revealed that out of 10,88,235 obnoxious calls included 537623 calls from girls, 462705 from boys, 32437 from kids, 2460 musical calls and 51450 abusing calls.
As a result of the effective monitoring and call recording software developed by the Service, the number of fake emergency responses has been restricted to 0.01 % and the repeated irrelevant/obnoxious callers are blocked so that the emergency caller do not find number busy and can be provided timely help in case any emergency. However, sudden increase in number sometimes results in failure of the availability of emergency number which is very unfortunate.
The Service has tried several solutions which included blocking of such unwanted callers, warnings over phone and sensitizing the caller about the significance & importance of emergency number. As a result of this sensitizing campaign, a few regular pranksters have stopped dialing Emergency Number 1122. However, the overall numbers still continues to increase therefore, the Service has been compelled to take necessary legal action which includes imprisonment for six months or with fine of rupees 50,000/- or both.
The Director General Rescue 1122, Dr. Rizwan Naseer said that it is the duty and moral responsibility of every citizen to respect the emergency number 1122. He said that we would still prefer that the citizens understand the significance and importance of emergency number and not try to deprive the emergency victims of their right to be provided timely rescue and emergency medical treatment so that we do not have to initiate criminal proceedings against such obnoxious callers.


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