Pakistan Today

MQM to observe day of mourning on Aug 23

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) announced on Monday that it would peacefully observe a Day of Mourning and Condemnation on Tuesday against the killing of innocent citizens in Karachi.
Addressing a press conference here on Monday, MQM leader Farooq Sattar said that muhajir youth were subjected to brutal torture after being kidnapped from different parts of the city. “More than 20 people have been recovered, but over a dozen young men are still missing,” he said.
He alleged that some PPP ministers were patronising terrorists while some city areas have become a no go area for a long time now, he said.
The government had not condoled with the victims’ families, he said adding that “I appeal to people to hoist black flags on top of their homes.”
“The terrorists of PAC have kidnapped muhajir people and brutally killed them,” Sattar said and added that these terrorists were targeting the muhajir community.
He urged the business community and transport operators to support the MQM in its mourning call as their community was being threatened and asked to pay extortion money.
He also demanded the president and prime minister take notice of the killing of Muhajirs in Karachi and take action against terrorists from the Peoples Aman Committee and those ministers who were supporting it.
He questioned government’s delay in adopting a strategy to stop the violence in the city while eight more people were killed in Karachi on Monday and the situation remained volatile on the seventh day of violence.

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