Recovering Weinstein


Sooner, not later

While the kidnapping of American aid worker, Warren Weinstein, has added yet another irritant to those already marring Pak US relations, the Punjab police remains as ignorant about the identity of the kidnappers as it was last Saturday when the man was abducted. Strangely, nobody has so far claimed responsibility which is ordinarily done promptly both in case of kidnapping for ransom or when terrorists abduct a person. Considering Weinstein’s age and the fact that he is suffering from life threatening ailments requiring regular intake of medicines which might not be available to him, the case assumes a humanitarian aspect also.

Normally, if a foreigner disappears in a country, it brings bad name to the host government which is rightly expected to urgently secure his freedom. The situation in Pakistan, however, is far from being normal. The security agencies which are short on professionalism are being challenged by highly motivated militants and organised gangs of criminals. While everyone expects them to deliver, few in their hearts believe they would. Vice chancellors of two KP universities were abducted, one recovered 7 months later while the other taken away 11 month back is still in captivity. In 2008, Pakistan’s ambassador to Afghanistan was taken hostage and was released after three months. Similarly Afghanistan’s ambassador to Pakistan was abducted and released nearly two years later. The son-in-law of the then chairman joint chiefs of staff was abducted in August last year and still remains in the captors’ custody.

While one can understand the demands by Clinton and Grossman for swift and safe recovery of Weinstein, there is a need on their part to realise the problems Pakistan faces. Islamabad needs to do all it can to get the American citizen released. Five days after the abduction Punjab police finally issued a sketch of one of the kidnappers. Only time will tell whether it would be of any help. What needs to be avoided, meanwhile, is any exhibition of irresponsibility. Rana Sanaullah’s statement regarding Weinstein being engaged in mysterious activities like those of Raymond Davis is highly unfortunate. What action did the Punjab government take if Weinstein was really doing this? Why wasn’t the matter taken up with the US embassy?


  1. We have to construct the Trojan Horse to recover Weinstien and ask Achilles to cover
    his tendon less his absence in this recovery places Helen in jeopardy?

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