8 members of a family killed in Peshawar


A London-returned person, with the help of one accomplice, killed eight members of his in-laws’ family and escaped this morning at Sehri time.
According to latest findings by the police, eight years ago the accused married the daughter of Siddiqullah. After a few months, he left his wife in the in-laws house and left for London. After staying in London for eight years, he returned back recently and went to bring his wife back from in-laws house, but his wife refused to go with him.
After the wife’s refusal, he arranged a jirga at his in-laws’ house as a bid to persuade his wife to return to him but during the jirga another grave dispute erupted between both the parties, which enraged the accused.
Seeing no way for his wife to return to his home, the enraged accused and his one accomplice opened indiscriminate firing and shot dead 8 members of his in-laws’ family and escaped from the scene.
The police are raiding on killers’ relatives’ houses and have arrested many persons to probe about possible hideouts of the culprits.
Earlier, it was reported that at least eight persons of a family, two women and three kids among them, have been shot to death at their residence that lies within the jurisdictions of Khazana police station in Peshawar on early Tuesday.
The police termed the gun attack as being a ‘family feud’ but it was not sure that who actually attacked and killed them all.
It was told in the initial reports that some armed militants barged into a house and opened indiscriminate fire at the sleeping people and managed to flee crime scene.
Subsequently upon information, police reached the crime site and shifted dead bodies to Lady Reading Hospital for autopsy examination.
Police said that the incident was a result of a family dispute, adding that they have registered a lawsuit against unidentified outlaws and kicked off investigations.


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