The case for an effective police force


Instead of using army everywhere, shouldn’t we have effective police force and vibrant civil administration? Sure, it is a bad time for our country and nation, but most of the problem could have been solved at the very outset, if we had effective policing. The issue of terrorism is a serious one. Whatever problems we face due to it, they are also related to external as well as internal factors. All our efforts to control it are slowly and gradually bearing fruit. In spite of all this each day there is a fear of some terrorist activity.

The situation which is faced today is basically due to one crucial reason that is failure of intelligence. If we had reliable and up to date information about the grouping, training, activities and planning of terrorists they could have been stopped at the initial stage of their terrorist acts. The idea of establishing a strong police security force with the help and induction of ex servicemen of the army is a good omen. Our police is always blamed for not being capable or taking action when required. Their sacrifices are forgotten without realising that they can function only in their parameters and for which they are trained.

Dealing with terrorists is not an easy job. Terrorists are not ordinary people. The masterminds are educated, trained, communicative and resourceful and they carryon their activities in a very organized way. In order to fight them back and deal with them sane approach and mental calibre is required.

The establishment of such a force would boost the morale and bring positive changes in the police system. The ex-army men are well-trained and experienced. So first of all they would be a great help in proper training of use of arms and ammunition. The second aspect is fear of unknown which when grips the individual leads to hesitation in action; panic or running away to save own life. The police force would also learn how to overcome such fears and take immediate required actions.

Thirdly, discipline is a very important factor which bounds each and every individual and leads to cohesion among the group. When a force is disciplined there is mutual respect, trust and they also take care of each other. This also ensures success of their actions or operations. The fourth very important aspect is access to relevant information and use of it in a befitting manner. This needs a good communication channel with the people so that they do not fear of getting involved or facing problems while sharing information.

People trust the army personnel and view them as respecting them and their goodwill gestures. This reciprocity is very important for maintaining cooperation to share information about any activity which is suspicious, thus helping in swift actions.

The hopes are very high that such a force, if established, carefully handled, provided with all the necessary facilities as well as looked after well, would become a national asset for which the nation would feel proud. It is a requirement of the time and a necessity which cannot be avoided.

