Misplaced loyalties


The major factor that dominates the individual behaviour in most fields is misplaced loyalty. This is a negative factor, therefore adversely affects any activity that the individual undertakes.

In politics, it is most visible. Loyalty to party over country, loyalty to their leaders over nation and above all self-interest or personal gains. Unfortunately, all this never coincides with the people’s aspirations. Needless to say that the chosen representatives are drawn away from public due to misplaced loyalties. This also applies to bureaucracy and all administrative machinery in the country. Karachi and Quetta are the outcome. Subversive elements also join in knowing that this X factor is in their favour.

Misplaced loyalties present a dilemma in performance and decision making but most succumb to incorrect decision making with dangerous consequences. The most recent example of such behaviour is provided by the Prime Minister. He has posted one Khurram Agha from his personal staff as Commissioner Multan, his town. The motives and reasons are totally debatable.

