Celebrating Independence Day


Every year, Pakistanis celebrate their Independence Day on 14th of August with great fervour by decorating their houses, shops, cars, bikes, streets, lanes, bazars and everything they find with Pakistani flags of every size without knowing which side of the flag is correct( all the flags on the Sherpao Bridge are upside down). Public does not know the shape of rising moon and one finds mostly the flags are upside down. Someone has to tell them.

The government buildings are illuminated at public expense very profusely. The youth comes out on the roads in big numbers to celebrate with shouting slogans of “Pakistan Zindabad” but do nothing to make it Zindabad. Some organisations arrange seminars where they highlight the role played by the Pakistan movement workers and the sacrifices made by our elders.

At government level, the head of the state and provincial chiefs throw Independence Day receptions for the diplomatic corps and elite of the town where lavish food is served followed by some music show. That is all about our celebrations.

The next day it is all quiet, the buntings and Pakistan flags are seen littered all over the ground and roads and are being swept by the sweepers. The flags on the buildings and private houses keep flying till they are torn away by the rains or winds or get faded/discoloured.

But one thing is always missing on this day. It is making a firm resolution by the government and each Pakistani to work for the progress of the country. Everyone knows that the country was created in the name of Islam. The constitution also calls this state “The Islamic Republic of Pakistan”. But are we practising Islam in the country? Not at all.

Let the government make a commitment on this 65th Independence Day of Pakistan that we would practice Islam in the country as per the Constitution of 1973. The major ills of the country would be overcome if we make all the laws according to Quran and Sunnah and punish people without being complacent. The corrupt, the cheat, the unqualified, the looters of national wealth should be brought to the book irrespective of their affiliations with the higher hierarchy or relationship.

Every Pakistani should make a firm resolution that he/she would not indulge in corrupt practices like adulteration, hoarding, blackmarketing, underweighing, cheating, bribery, favouritism, breaking law of the country in all its manifestations, would pay due taxes, practising fair play in all fields of life etc.

But alas, this cannot happen unless our rulers set personal example and practice these points. The public knows that the rulers are enjoying life at the cost of tax-payers and are looting the country with both hands and hence the public follow the rulers and try to find ways to loot the common man and cheat the government.

Pakistan has great potential. It has resources, manpower and brain but lacks honest leadership at every level. Let us all make a commitment on this Independence Day that we would work honestly for the progress of the country. We must fight three main ills of the country i.e., corruption, absence of merit, justice and fair play. Every one, including the President of the country, should be accountable for his /her deeds.

I wish all Pakistanis a happy and prosperous Pakistan. Let us all get down to work with honesty.

