Pakistan Today

Zardari amends FCR to allow political activity in FATA

President Asif Ali Zardari signed two orders on Friday to amend Frontier Controlled Regulations (FRC) that would allow political activity in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).
This amendment would set into motion the far reaching administrative, judicial and political reforms in the tribal areas what he had announced on the eve of Independence Day two years ago but the implementation of which had been stalled for various reasons.
The two orders signed on Friday are Amendments in the FCR (2011) and Extension of the Political Parties Order 2002 to the tribal areas just an hour after the summary to this effect was received from the prime minister.
Held in the jam packed hall of the presidency, the signing ceremony was witnessed by tribal elders drawn from all the seven tribal agencies, five frontier regions, FATA parliamentarians and provincial cabinet of KPK.
The political parties represented in the event are ANP, PML-N, JI, PPP-S, PML-Q, MQM-S, NP, PKMAP and JUI-F. The PM, federal ministers, secretaries and diplomats in Islamabad also attended the function.
The president said his head bowed in gratitude before Allah for having fulfilled yet another promise made with the people of FATA. He congratulated the tribesmen for harmonising reforms with their tribal customs and traditions
He said the legal and political reforms would rid the tribal people from a century of bondage and usher them into mainstream of national life while respecting local customs and traditions.

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