Students join hands with Waster Busters against street litter


The City School System has joined hands with Waste Busters and started the Anti-Litter campaign today aimed at street litter spread by people throwing trash out of their cars on the streets of Lahore. There are more than 1 million cars plying on the streets of Lahore today and almost everyone throws some piece of trash out while traveling on the city roads. This trash is accumulating to alarming proportions and gives an untidy look to an otherwise beautiful city known throughout the world for its aesthetic beauty and greenery.
Students from City School approached Waste Busters to help them launch the Anti Litter campaign starting from August 8, 2011) where students handed out “Car Pouches” specially designed and crafted by them for storing car litter. Travelers can use the reusable car pouches for stashing away the litter pieces such as wrappers, fruits peels, cigarette butts, paper, glass or plastic bottles when they have consumed the eatables and empty it when they reach their homes and reuse the cloth bags again.