SECP registered 284 companies in July


The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) registered 284 companies in July last month. Private companies have the highest share in new incorporations, totaling 253, followed by 19 single-member companies, 4 public unlisted companies, 5 non-profit associations, 1 guarantee limited company, trade organization and foreign company from Mauritius in oil and gas sector each.
The SECP also registered twenty-two companies that have investments by nationals from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Denmark, Japan, Canada, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Belgium, Egypt and Germany. Similarly forty-three companies belong to the trading sector, followed by services with 33 companies, construction with 21, Information Technology with 15, food and beverages with 14 companies, communication with 13, transport with 12, pharmaceuticals with 12, Hajj and Umrah services and fuel and energy with 10 companies each. The Company Registration Office (CRO), Lahore registered 105 companies followed by CROs in Islamabad and Karachi registering 80 and 69 companies respectively. The remaining CROs of Peshawar, Multan, Quetta and Faisalabad registered 12, 9, 6 and 3 companies respectively. The authorised capital and paid-up capital of 284 companies, was Rs1.9 billion and Rs359.16 million respectively.
During the month, 46 companies increased their authorised capital with the aggregate authorised capital increment of Rs4.23 billion and 87 companies raised their paid-up capital with the total paid-up capital increment amounting to Rs8.75 billion.