Terrorism Risk Index 2011


This is with reference to ‘Terrorism Risk Index 2011’ published in the newspapers on August 4. According to a ranking by global analysts Maplecroft, Pakistan is declared as the second most dangerous country in the world after Somalia. The UK based company’s index rates 198 countries on the number, frequency and intensity of terrorism attacks, plus the likelihood of mass causalities occurring.

If comprehensively analysed, it would not be wrong to say that this ‘terrorism risk index 2011’ is a gross exaggeration of Pakistan’s security situation because Pakistan is certainly not the most dangerous country in the world but yes it is the worst victim of terrorism that has spread throughout Pakistan since the US war on terror made its way to Afghanistan 10 years ago.

The US-led attacks in Afghanistan to eliminate Al-Qaeda network actually flushed Al-Qaeda elements into Pakistani areas bordering Afghanistan and that too because Pak-Afghan border is a porous border. Pakistan alone cannot guarantee the security vis-à-vis Pak-afghan porous border unless and until Afghan side takes its part of responsibility seriously and sincerely.

Pakistan has been pushed into present mode of violence all because of the US’s wrong policies and unjust war on terror. A bunch of war-maniac folks of US administration has rendered not only Pakistan but many countries of the world terrorism and violence plagued. So if anyone really wishes to produce annual index of the world’s most dangerous country, the US should better be placed on the top.

