Samosa banned


Somalia’s al-Shabaab group has banned ‘Samosas’ after ruling the popular snacks are ‘offensive’ and too Christian.
Militant Islamist fighters last week used vehicles mounted with loudspeakers to announce the bizarre ruling across the regions of the war-torn country it controls. The extremist group has offered no official explanation for the ban on the triangular snacks, which are commonly cooked up and served across the Horn of Africa.
‘Offensive’: The Samosa is said to upset militant Islamists due to a supposed resemblance to the symbol of the Christian Holy Trinity. The bizarre ban comes just days after militants linked to al Qaeda in Somalia refused to let some aid workers into the country as tens of thousands suffered in the nation’s massive famine.
Aid groups including the UN Food Programme say they were not given permission by militants to provide aid in the country, where it has been warned that 800,000 children could die from starvation.
Kenya’s Daily Nation newspaper reported that residents of the Somali town of Afgoye, 20 miles south of the capital Mogadishu, had confirmed the Samosa ban had been imposed. The fried snacks, usually filled with spicy meat or vegetables, have been served for centuries in the East African country and is also popular in South Asia, especially Pakistan and India.
But the newspaper said locals believed al-Shabaab leaders had decided the triangular shape was not compatible with their strict version of Islam. The unexpected move means Somalis could now expect to be punished if caught cooking, buying or eating Samosas, known locally as sambusas. The ban is the latest in a string of authoritarian rulings introduced by al-Shabaab, a violent Islamist organisation linked to al Qaeda and classified by several countries as a terrorist group.


  1. those bastards have ruin the beauty of islam … and rightly said by anneq the ppls who are obeying them are more stupid … must say those alqaidians are working more efficiently than mosad 😉

  2. EPIC FAIL PAKISTAN TODAY. please verify your details before writing up. I am no supporter of al-shabab but that in no way means you can report falsely on them. This is from BBC

    "In a separate development, al-Shabab has banned the sale of beef and samosas in the famine-hit Lower Shabelle region.

    It said traders were selling rotten meat from cattle that had died because of the famine. This was un-Islamic and threatened the health of people, al-Shabab said.

    The BBC's Mohamed Dore in Mogadishu says al-Shabab has extended the ban to samosas, a popular savoury often filled with mince – accusing traders of stuffing the snack with cat meat."

  3. What are they mad ? Samosa is nothing to do with any religion .
    They are delicious and edible component .
    Horizon your knowledge , they are of course Mughal to the backbone .

    Quick ! Eat ' em before it finished .

  4. I am not amazed because I am a member of society where chips has been sold by fatwa of maulvi mufti researcher junaid jamshed, Halal vaccination of Novartis sold by mufti junaid, shampoo for hijabi girls, where ring tones to halal honey all sold under the banner of Islam. Before Renaissance period in Europe the European asked questions like that "According to bible how many teeth are in horse mouth" and after renaissance they research on their own. I am not amazed by the attitude of islamists because the same madness has been observe in our society.

  5. It is better for all Muslims to spend time n excel in science n technology rather than wasting time in banning, burning or protesting.

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